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'tis KaRen

JUstanother life in the streets

Well, if you really have to know, my name's KaRen, a true blue geMini and proud of it. Formerly from aNdersoN jc, tKgS and cHiJ-oLgC.
I like music. Life would be more of a mistake without music eh? Aye, a typical Singaporean girl basically. The kind who watches lotsa junk TV, eats lotsa juNK food, shops, goes for movies and sits around coffee places all day to gossip and people-watch....yaknow. I love coffee (they're exploding all over town! *gasp*)!
Good music to me are Suede, oAsis, Bush, no doubT ,Fiona Apple, tori Amos, the cure, Yanni, Vanessa Mae, New age/instumental stuff and nothing bubblegum poppish.

I'm a habitual late-comer & procrastinator...whatever....Just ask anyone I know. If we're meeting at 1pm, you've better come at 1:30pm. Hey! I try my best alright..even turned my watch 10mins ahead of time. And ....I simply adore the colour BLUE (grey too, for now) , so if you see some gurl walking down the streets dressed up in blue, that's probably me! Ya right. Well, that's about it I reckon.

chEERs, mate!