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Backyard Spee-Lunking
In Memory Of Lowell Burch

So you miss the magic, adventure and true stimulation of the imagination that the "old" Six Flags Over Texas provided.  But over the years, time after time, others had a "better" idea and as they were implemented layer on layer, gradually the magic was gone.  What made Six Flags unique and much-imitated has now regressed to what it's imitators were before they emulated it.  Ironic!  We have ranted and raved but no-one with the big-bucks can see the reason for this huge resurgence of interest in these gone-but-not-forgotten theme parks that made us feel, if for just a day, that we were in another place and another time, providing a refreshing, delightful escape from the not-so-pleasant real world.

While we all wish that these wonderful parks were restored to their original glory, Lowell Burch of Tulsa Oklahoma is doing something while he is wishing.  He is directing sweat-equity into solidifying those memories in the form of replicas of his favorite parts of Six Flags Over Texas.   He is doing this in his own back yard!  Guess what is included in that mini Six Flags?  Yes, a mini Spee-Lunker Cave!  Here he is:

Lowell's Backyard Spee-Lunking

Have Spee's moved here?

Currently he is preparing the inside for a walk-through including Spee-Lunker(s).  He may be giving us a progress report.  If he does, I told him I would post it here for all the fans to see.   When he's finished, I'm sure he will invite us all over for a look.  Right, Lowell?

Update 01/05:  Lowell is working some more on his cave.  He is beefing up the interior, adding more black-lights, adding a sound system and hopes to start producing Spee-Lunkers this spring!

Update 4/2012:  Since my last contact with Lowell in about 2005, a lot has changed with my life including moving to a new address, changing from my old e-mail address and basically loosing contact with Lowell.  I tried to contact him since, through old e-mail addresses and they were no longer valid.  Every attempt to find a way to communicate with him failed.  A Facebook friend just inquired as to why I have not updated this page.  So, I did another search and made a sad discovery.  Lowell Burch has passed from this life.  Here is an obituary I found:

BURCH - Lowell, 56, of Tulsa, passed away April 16, 2008. Survived by: wife, Susan, of 28 years; sons: Bob, John, Scott, Phillip; parents, Robert L. and Ruth Burch, all of Tulsa. Graduating with the McLain class of '69 and continued his education to earn a Master of Education Administration from OU and a Master of Biblical Arts. Lowell spent his life giving to others through teaching and his Christian ministry. Most recently noted, after a world wide search, as the chosen composer for the Lake Erie College fight song. He enjoyed life's passion with music, art, comedy, mysteries and people of all ages.

We wish he could have stayed with us longer, but we appreciate him for his creations and sharing them with us.  I'm sure there is much more to his rich life than I can reveal, but here is a blog that fills us in a little more:   Perhaps a family member of his can update us on his life closer to his passing.

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More Pictures Of His Back Yard

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