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Save The Dinosaurs
Save The Fish
Clothe The Naked

PETA is cruel to man's best friendBelow is a reader's letter published in the Shreveport Times (a silly Gannett paper).  I need to set it up, though.  PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) sort of camped out in Shreveport for a while, as unwelcome as they are.  First, in response to a fishing tournament, they put up a billboard showing a pet dog with a fishhook in it's lip.  Of course, they were turned down by every billboard company but one.  "If you wouldn't do this to a dog, why do it to a fish?"  So the billboard said.   Who reading this is so lame-brained they can't discern the difference?  Fish eat fish.  It's just part of the natural food chain.  I choose not to hook my dog and eat him because I like him just the way he is and furthermore I will protect him from being eaten.  I cannot stroke and pet a fish.  Fish do not communicate to me that they want to be part of the family and display affection, demonstrate loyalty and are obedient.  Dogs do.  Pretty simple.


Next, the Ringling Brother's circus was a few weeks away and in the ticket sales were under way.  A female representative of PETA showed up at a riverfront park, topless, with her body painted like a tiger to protest the circus confining and using these animals.  She was arrested.  Good publicity stunt.

Mug ShotOooops! Press that card back, girl.No, really, I look just like a man behind the sign.

In response to PETA, Ringling Bros. Circus will now offer this wild animal.Knowing the police were close by waiting for certain "parts" to show, the PETA woman appeared topless with a sign over her breasts and a small round cage made of hardware cloth was slipped over her.   Somehow the sign dropped too low shifting her display just outside the law.   She and her assistant were arrested.  There was video footage a local TV station shot and aired but I have not been able to find a photo to post here.  The photo at left was how PETA intended it to look.  The local protest was really stupid looking.




The letter:

How would PETA have handled dinosaurs?

Bob Harrelson


A prayer: Dear Lord, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for exterminating the dinosaurs of your own volition and in plenty of time before calling upon us to face the naked fury of the PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) people. Amen.

P.S. Although it sure would have been interesting to see how that went.


Cynthia Lieberman and her helpers are now in court in Shreveport.  Their attorney said she was wearing pasties under that sign (I guess if the nipples are covered, it's legal).  Are there any photos to prove it?  If the arresting officer saw the pasties, he would be guilty of looking.  By arresting her, he obviously did not look or he would have seen the pasties.  He demonstrated character by not looking.  He pretended to see what was not showing, therefore does not know.  On the other hand if she was not wearing pasties, he may have looked thereby demonstrating a character flaw or he may not have looked in which case he cannot testify that he was justified in arresting her.   A clear example that officers should have a video camera in their helmet.   Does any of this make sense?

She did it again in Tulsa!

An animal-rights activist whose body was painted like a tiger to protest the treatment of circus animals was arrested downtown Thursday after she took off her robe, exposing her breasts, according to police.

Cynthia Lieberman, 31, of Colorado, was booked into the Tulsa Jail on a complaint of outraging public decency.

The protest was organized by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

Officer Lucky Lamons said police were notified in advance of the protest and that officers were stationed at Bartlett Square at Fifth Street and the Main Mall.

PETA is protesting the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, which starts June 7 in Tulsa.

Dozens of downtown workers on their lunch breaks saw the woman get into a cage and then take off her robe in the downtown square shortly before noon, witnesses said.

Update 3/14/02

In Shreveport; thrown out of court.  They said police made arrest before "protest" actually began.  Hello? Hello?  That is not what the arrest was about.  Police had advanced notice that there would be some nakedness going on, so they showed up.  As soon as officers noticed that a little too much skin was showing with more to come, they made the arrest.  After all, it was a public park across the street from a children's science center, for crying out loud!  When was the protest supposed to officially "start"?  After the tassels are spinning good or what?  I don't recall anyone on the scene saying, "wait, the protest hasn't started yet."  They are going to sue the police department.  This is how it is reported to the media and our lackluster police department does not issue a rebuttal statement to the media. Duuuuuhhhhhhhh.

Well, they're playing mind games, again...

Unprocessed milk is kind of greenish-gray.

As if peta knows they are not welcome in Louisiana, they somehow managed to get this billboard up in Shreveport in early November 2002.  They could not find a billboard company in the New Orleans area that would agree to this one.  David Duke is suing.  He said they did not get his permission to use his picture and does not know what they have against him.  "I have always been for the fair treatment of animals."  Duke said it appears to have racial bias against whites.  Of course, isn't this turning out exactly like Peta planned?  Being sued is part of what they like.  Litigation is in their budget.  It's all part of the plan.  By the way, let's find out what billboard company always accommodates them.

Not A Lost Cause

Well, the PETA campaign was somewhat of a success, though.  We now have a local chapter of PETA.  People Eating Tasty Animals.

My Thoughts

PETA's concepts are so absurd, especially in our part of the country, that it overwhelms our sensibilities and, over time, in an effort to deal with it we subconsciously "give in" and so the process of brainwashing begins.  What seems silly to us now is actually very dangerous.  They don't care how long it takes.  Liberals have always won minds in little incremental "baby steps".  Remember when we laughed at "politically correct"?  That movement now has a strangle-hold on us from every direction.  Just thing of all the things we can no longer talk about.  We have been beaten to silence!  You think your church has been immune to PC?  Think again!




Naked Fury

Save The Dinosaurs
Save The Fish
Clothe The Naked

PETA is cruel to man's best friendBelow is a reader's letter published in the Shreveport Times (a silly Gannett paper).  I need to set it up, though.  PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) sort of camped out in Shreveport for a while, as unwelcome as they are.  First, in response to a fishing tournament, they put up a billboard showing a pet dog with a fishhook in it's lip.  Of course, they were turned down by every billboard company but one.  "If you wouldn't do this to a dog, why do it to a fish?"  So the billboard said.   Who reading this is so lame-brained they can't discern the difference?  Fish eat fish.  It's just part of the natural food chain.  I choose not to hook my dog and eat him because I like him just the way he is and furthermore I will protect him from being eaten.  I cannot stroke and pet a fish.  Fish do not communicate to me that they want to be part of the family and display affection, demonstrate loyalty and are obedient.  Dogs do.  Pretty simple.


Next, the Ringling Brother's circus was a few weeks away and in the ticket sales were under way.  A female representative of PETA showed up at a riverfront park, topless, with her body painted like a tiger to protest the circus confining and using these animals.  She was arrested.  Good publicity stunt.

Mug ShotOooops! Press that card back, girl.No, really, I look just like a man behind the sign.

In response to PETA, Ringling Bros. Circus will now offer this wild animal.Knowing the police were close by waiting for certain "parts" to show, the PETA woman appeared topless with a sign over her breasts and a small round cage made of hardware cloth was slipped over her.   Somehow the sign dropped too low shifting her display just outside the law.   She and her assistant were arrested.  There was video footage a local TV station shot and aired but I have not been able to find a photo to post here.  The photo at left was how PETA intended it to look.  The local protest was really stupid looking.




The letter:

How would PETA have handled dinosaurs?

Bob Harrelson


A prayer: Dear Lord, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for exterminating the dinosaurs of your own volition and in plenty of time before calling upon us to face the naked fury of the PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) people. Amen.

P.S. Although it sure would have been interesting to see how that went.


Cynthia Lieberman and her helpers are now in court in Shreveport.  Their attorney said she was wearing pasties under that sign (I guess if the nipples are covered, it's legal).  Are there any photos to prove it?  If the arresting officer saw the pasties, he would be guilty of looking.  By arresting her, he obviously did not look or he would have seen the pasties.  He demonstrated character by not looking.  He pretended to see what was not showing, therefore does not know.  On the other hand if she was not wearing pasties, he may have looked thereby demonstrating a character flaw or he may not have looked in which case he cannot testify that he was justified in arresting her.   A clear example that officers should have a video camera in their helmet.   Does any of this make sense?

She did it again in Tulsa!

An animal-rights activist whose body was painted like a tiger to protest the treatment of circus animals was arrested downtown Thursday after she took off her robe, exposing her breasts, according to police.

Cynthia Lieberman, 31, of Colorado, was booked into the Tulsa Jail on a complaint of outraging public decency.

The protest was organized by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

Officer Lucky Lamons said police were notified in advance of the protest and that officers were stationed at Bartlett Square at Fifth Street and the Main Mall.

PETA is protesting the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, which starts June 7 in Tulsa.

Dozens of downtown workers on their lunch breaks saw the woman get into a cage and then take off her robe in the downtown square shortly before noon, witnesses said.

Update 3/14/02

In Shreveport; thrown out of court.  They said police made arrest before "protest" actually began.  Hello? Hello?  That is not what the arrest was about.  Police had advanced notice that there would be some nakedness going on, so they showed up.  As soon as officers noticed that a little too much skin was showing with more to come, they made the arrest.  After all, it was a public park across the street from a children's science center, for crying out loud!  When was the protest supposed to officially "start"?  After the tassels are spinning good or what?  I don't recall anyone on the scene saying, "wait, the protest hasn't started yet."  They are going to sue the police department.  This is how it is reported to the media and our lackluster police department does not issue a rebuttal statement to the media. Duuuuuhhhhhhhh.

Well, they're playing mind games, again...

Unprocessed milk is kind of greenish-gray.

As if peta knows they are not welcome in Louisiana, they somehow managed to get this billboard up in Shreveport in early November 2002.  They could not find a billboard company in the New Orleans area that would agree to this one.  David Duke is suing.  He said they did not get his permission to use his picture and does not know what they have against him.  "I have always been for the fair treatment of animals."  Duke said it appears to have racial bias against whites.  Of course, isn't this turning out exactly like Peta planned?  Being sued is part of what they like.  Litigation is in their budget.  It's all part of the plan.  By the way, let's find out what billboard company always accommodates them.

Not A Lost Cause

Well, the PETA campaign was somewhat of a success, though.  We now have a local chapter of PETA.  People Eating Tasty Animals.

My Thoughts

PETA's concepts are so absurd, especially in our part of the country, that it overwhelms our sensibilities and, over time, in an effort to deal with it we subconsciously "give in" and so the process of brainwashing begins.  What seems silly to us now is actually very dangerous.  They don't care how long it takes.  Liberals have always won minds in little incremental "baby steps".  Remember when we laughed at "politically correct"?  That movement now has a strangle-hold on us from every direction.  Just thing of all the things we can no longer talk about.  We have been beaten to silence!  You think your church has been immune to PC?  Think again!