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The Mysterious Spee-Lunkers
by Barry Green

How were the Spee-Lunkers discovered and what are they all about?   Still a very unsettling question to many people in their 30's and 40's who grew up with The Spee-Lunker's Cave.  I will attempt here to define and de-mystify these little subterranean stalactite-headed characters so we can all bring closure to this missing piece of our life's puzzle.

As earth was being turned for a new attraction to the park.  A cave opening was uncovered.  An amateur spelunker (cave explorer) entered the cave off and on for weeks.  One day the explorer raced excitedly out of the cave and began telling about strange-looking little "people" living and working in a little cave village along an underground river.  "They glow in the dark!  They have light coming out of their skin!  They can paint their light where they want it!" the explorer revealed.  Word got to some missionaries about this discovery and plans were made to journey to this isolated underground village for an extended stay.

The missionaries discovered these little human-like creatures were not shy or hostile.  There was one problem, though.  This newly found race of "people" had a difficult language to learn.  They communicated with intricate layers of complex, rapid-firing whistles, clicks, coughs, burps and whimpers.   The missionaries were determined not to give up, and in time learned to communicate.  One of the first inquiries the missionaries made about was that big, ugly idol carved into the cave wall.  The creatures' answer went like this:   "We knew you would find us sooner or later.  One of the first things you expect to find with a new tribe or race of people is an idol for worshipping.  So we made one to humor you when you arrived."  "Do you worship this idol?" a missionary asked.  "No, but we use it religiously for a particular purpose.   When we find ourselves frustrated, angry or short-tempered, we kick and slap the idol.  It works wonders for us."

These creatures, who acquired the name "Spee-Lunkers", were strangely aware of the world above as they had selectively adapted a slight similarity in methods, music and mannerisms.  You will not see them above the ground for they cannot survive away from this cave environment.  Their eyes have big, light-grabbing lenses with super-sensitive retinas for normal vision in their dimly-lit world and their vision would be destroyed by our sun-lit world.  Their skin would not survive the sunlight and they can only tolerate the cold, constant underground temperature.  It is rumored that some brave Speelunkers have ventured out of the cave after dark as evidenced by a Speelunker bearing a similarity to Benjamin Franklin, flying a kite during the thunder storm.  Their knowledge of us surface dwellers is due to a latent ability of their "mind's eye" to transcend matter and space.

Perpetual motion gag? Not in this ride.

The Spee-Lunkers Cave opened in 1964 at Six Flags Over Texas and was designed by Randal Duell and Associates.  Randal Duell was an architect who specialized in movie set design.  His name appears in the credits of movies from the 1940's through 1958 as production designer including "Singing In The Rain".   Angus Wynn, founder of Six Flags retained Randal Duell to theme this new park.   Randal Duell was responsible for the original theming of Six Flags Over Texas.   That was when you could walk to different sections of the park and feel like you were in different lands and different times.  He put that magic in the atmosphere.   The same magic went into The Spee-Lunker's Cave.  Randal Duell is now deceased.  The Spee-Lunker's Character was designed by Walter McKeegan who was art director for "The Lucy Show", "Green Acres", "Petticoat Junction", "The Beverly Hillbillies" and other Filmways television productions.

The original scenes and gags were designed by Gene Patrick who also produced the music and sounds for the ride.  The music in each scene melds together in such a way to cause a very mysterious effect as it fades and shadows from one scene to the next.  Actually, each instrumental music piece and sound effect were timed and looped.  They all last no more than 20 to 30 seconds and then repeat.  They were played back on stereo reel-to reel-tape decks that would auto-reverse every 30 minutes all day long.  This was a very high-maintenance playback system.  Tapes would wear out, deck parts needed constant cleaning.  "I rode through the ride about 5 times to get the timing right for the looping", Patrick said.  In selecting the music, Gene Patrick used music from his own personal collection (what a collection!).   He still remembers some of it by name but not all.  Patrick said the cave sets and props were built from models.  He actually drew the scenes and gags and two other members of the team would make the models from the drawings.  He did make one of the models, which is of the ship.  "We just made models of the ride, sent it over to Six Flags and they built it from the model.  Everything was done right here in town."

Some dark rides attempt to depict reality, some fantasy, this ride was a little different, though.  You could say it was fantasy, but it went beyond fantasy.  It had a very surrealistic feel.  It was like a Technicolor dream.   If you explore a real cave one day, this is the crazy dream you would have that night.  It was full of mysteries that never were answered, leaving a silent but strong yearning deep within the heart of guests.  What was this ride all about?   Can someone interpret the dream?

This ride was nearing completion at the same time President Kennedy was assassinated just a few short miles away.

Twisting Spee-Lunkers
Here is an extremely rare shot of the "twisting Spees" scene.
I had to piece together about 4 shots to get one of the entire scene.
This photo was made with white lighting, washing-out the black-light effect.
The chances of finding another shot of this scene are slim to none.
SECRET REVELATION:  Just beside the Spee to the left, part of the cave wall
is moving back & forth, "twisting" in sync with the Spee.

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