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Lum & Abner
MP3 clips
Abner Peabody may have been the first to envision the World Wide Web!

I just can't say enough about these two guys.  They were probably the funniest comedy team ever.   Their prime was before I was born.  My dad use to listen to them on the radio before I was born.  And now I listen their old programs on MP3 files on a PC and a Rio-Volt portable player thanks to the folks who have collected, compiled and organized these episodes.  Check out eBayJust enter two words; lum abner.   You will usually find a variety of MP3 CD ROMs available in auctions.  There are hundreds of episodes available.  Their comedy is still hilarious and even addicting.  Once you start listening, it's difficult to stop!

Believe it or not, Abner Peabody may have been the first one to envision the World Wide Web.  Al Gore claims he invented the internet though we all know it started with the Arpa Net in the 1960's in response to the Department Of Defense's concerns about being able to re-route long distance data in emergency situations through a network.

It may have been a fleeting premonition, it may have been a vision he never quite captured, but Abner Peabody must have caught a glimpse of the World Wide Web back in the early 1940's in Pine Ridge Arkansas.  I have proof in this brief MP3 file where he utters his short-lived vision:


Below is the front cover of a 1937 almanac:

Original 1937 Almanac

Would you like some rip-abs?  Well, actually what I mean is; listen to Abner rip through a laughing-spell.  In a hilarious episode called "The Horse", Abner visualizes Lum riding that sway-back horse he just bought and swore he would never ride again.  Abner gets tickled over the thought of Lum riding this particular horse, let alone any horse.  I can't tell if his laughing was in the script or whether he just got the ticklesI took this episode and chopped out everything but Abner's solo laughing and pieced it together as a continuous clip.  It is in a compact MP3 file.  CLICK HERE to listen.  But what about poor ol' Lum?  I chopped out everything but Lum's reaction to Abner on this next clip.  CLICK HERE to listen.

They put together a masterpiece of a mystery story that took 33 episodes to conclude.  I call it "Wonderful World".  It was brilliant, extremely hilarious and suspenseful.  At one point during this series, Cedrick becomes euphoric over his false wealth and temporary respect.  Listen to him babble to himself at the peak of his bliss.  CLICK HERE for MP3 audio.