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Where Terrorists Met In 2000

NEW See updates at bottom of page.  Last update; 10/17/07

The following story was broke to the public by a Shreveport TV station:

Dentist who was writing book about hijackers falls ill
posted: 06-03-2004

A dentist who claims he met three of the Sept. 11 hijackers in Shreveport one year before the attacks has mysteriously fallen ill and is on life support.

Dr. David Graham was driving back to Shreveport from Houston on Saturday night when he became sick. A friend said Graham began suffering organ failure and medical tests show possible poisoning. He is hospitalized in Houston.

Graham is trying to publish a book that claims meetings with the hijackers and another Middle Eastern man who is a federal fugitive here.

Mike Sledge, a friend of Graham, has a manuscript of Graham's book, "The Graham Report: The true story of three 9-11 hijackers who were reported to the FBI 10 months before 9-11." In it, Graham claims he met the hijackers at a home in Shreveport in September 2000 and thought they were plotting an attack on Barksdale Air Force Base. He said he reported them to the FBI.

"Certainly he was digging into some sensitive areas that may easily have caused some people some consternation," Sledge said.

Houston police referred questions to the FBI office in Houston, which did not return calls for comment.

Federal authorities in Shreveport said they are not involved and don't know if there is anything sinister to Graham's illness or if it was suicide attempt or was connected to Graham's personal or business life.

Graham also knew Jamal Khan, a Bossier City man who was convicted of trying to hide his wiring of $9,999 to his native Pakistan.

In Khan's plea agreement in 2002, federal prosecutors added an unusual caveat: It said that while they had no proof of any connection to terrorism, Khan would get no immunity from possible prosecution in the future for crimes relating to Sept. 11.

Graham was scheduled to testify against Khan at a deportation hearing that was postponed because of a crowded docket. That hearing had not been held when Khan skipped town after federal authorities moved to put him back in jail for violating probation on the financial crime conviction.


FBI: No link Between Poisoning and Terrorists
posted: 06-04-2004

The FBI says they don't believe there's a link between the poisoning of a Shreveport dentist and terrorists. Dr. David Graham is in the hospital in Houston.
Friends say he suffered organ failure and was put on life support. Graham is trying to publish a book claiming he met 3 of the 911 hijackers in Shreveport and warned the government about his suspicions almost a year before the attacks. Graham was also supposed to testify for the government at the deportation hearing of the man he says hosted the hijackers, Jamal Khan. Khan is thought to have fled the country.

Does it seem like some in our government were working hard to allow 9-11 to happen?  As someone said, we must blame George Bush because it would not be politically correct to blame that other guy* who was president at the time in 2000.   Oh, and notice this; George Tenet resigned as director of CIA on the same day this story first broke.  Did Tenet have something to do with Dr. David Graham's poisoning?   Does it all seem to be connected?  And remember, George Tenet was appointed by that other guy* in 1997.

*Bill Clinton

Update 08/10/05

Dr. David Graham is alive in Houston, Texas and I understand he is on life support.  His Shreveport dental office has been closed and evicted from the building.

Update 9/19/06

Dr. David Graham passed away Sunday, September 17, 2006 in Shreveport, Louisiana following a lengthy illness.  He was 67.  His obituary indicated that he had been ill the past 27 months.  He was a family dentist in Shreveport from 1968 to 2004.

Update 10/18/07

Broadcast on KSLA TV, Shreveport:

SHREVEPORT, LA - Thursday, October 18
Who Killed Dr. David Graham? Complaint filed with DOJ

Oct 17, 2007 11:02 PM
    Who Poisoned Local 9/11 Researcher Dr. David Graham?

Who killed Shreveport dentist and 9/11 researcher David Graham?  That's the question at the heart of a complaint filed with the Inspector General's office at the U.S. Justice Department.  It comes a year after Graham's death that was never investigated. Up until his death in September 2006, Dr. Graham insisted someone poisoned him two years earlier, likely with propylene glycol (anti-freeze) as he tried to publish a book.  That book claimed he met two 9/11 hijackers a year before September 11th and feared the men intended to target Barksdale Air Force Base.

Shreveport attorney John Milkovich, a friend of Dr. Graham, explained, "he documented in his book that he had reported them to the FBI some ten months before 9/11 and of course that you know, the FBI, federal authorities never detained these individuals, and that he had received a threat."  Graham told those close to him that threat came from a federal agent. Milkovich is the man who gave the eulogy at Graham's funeral.  He said that there's no question about whether or not someone poisoned Dr. Graham.  The question has always been who did it.  Milkovich continued, "I personally don't know who poisoned him but I think that it's very important that the truth come out."

9/11 researcher Sander Hicks is the one who just filed a complaint with the Inspector General's Office at the DOJ, asking for an investigation into Graham's death because, among other reasons, those close to him still live in fear.  Hicks told us, "the family has been worried that there's going to be some kind of reprisal."  Fear ran so high, said Hicks, that the family did not ask for an autopsy, even after Dr. Graham's 27-months of paralysis and organ failures before his death at a Shreveport nursing home.  Hicks added, "If Dr. Graham can be taken out so easily without an investigation from law enforcement you know, people are scared."  The Department of Justice told Hicks to expect a reply within the next 6-months. I spoke by phone with Special Agent in Charge Mike Kinder
in the Shreveport FBI office.  He told me, there is no evidence those terror suspects, Nawaf Al-Hazi and Fayez Banihammad, were ever in Shreveport and said Dr. Graham only mentioned them after 9/11.  Kinder also said the FBI did not investigate Graham's death because there was no evidence of any connection between Graham's writings and his illness.

Story by Jeff Ferrell






