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Wacky Wisdom

Absence makes the heart grow fonder---and, on the other hand, out of sight is out of mind.

Politics are like a blind man at a burlesque show...He knows what's going on...but he wonders what's coming off.

When girls start calling you "sir", you can expect your old age pension check any day!!! (I wish)

A man has more sense after he's married....but then it's too late!

Until a man is married, he is incomplete. After he is married, he is finished.

Haste makes waste---yea but, the early bird gets the worm.

Live as though every day was your last.....and someday you will be right.

Science says that success is relative.....the more success, the more relatives.

People were satisfied with their walk in life.....until politicians began to offer them a free ride!!

Men say women can't be trusted too far; women say men can't be trusted too near!

They call it take home pay because there is no other place you can afford to go with it.

A pessimist is one who feels bad when he feels good for fear that he'll feel worse when he feels better.

Political speeches are like the horns of a steer.....a point here and a point there....with a lot of bull in between.

Nothing is quite so annoying as to have someone go right on talking when you're interrupting.

You are not really successful until someone claims he sat beside you in school.

I do precision guesswork.

Last but not least, after you live long enough, you begin to realize how easy success is: