My Journal

15/07/Saturday/2000 3:21p.m. Hi I just got back from camp which was fun but do you know that feeling when you have left your heart somewhere and you cant be happy cause it there? Thats how I feel. I left my heart at camp with jesus. (that sounds chessy huh?) How am I suposed to be happy when my heart is somewhere else? I saw a couple cute guys and a couple jerks but I'll never see them again so thats okie. I think most guys are jerks anyways... I talked to my leaders and other people. When got into the car I felt like crying cause I'm gonna miss everyone. Its funny how close you can get to people. Love Nomes p>

08/07/Saturday/2000 7:00a.m. I'm pick'n cherries today. I'm gonna have money! I'm going to camp tommorow.HAPPY. I love camp. So, my next entry wont be for a week. I am adding alot more to my page and should have som more pictures up soon. UGH. *smashes her computer with a hammer* I couldn't get some links to work before but finally the computer gave in and worked. I have ta go but I'll write again tonight. Nomes

07/07Friday/2000 11:59a.m. Well hi...I'm not exactly happy today. My life is full of endless nothings that lead to things that make me depressed. I am enjoying the summer. A break off trying to find real friends. And dreading highschool. I'm notexacting happy about starting as a "little grade 8" But some people might think I'm older cause I'm tall. It least I cant be jammed into lockers. Another thing that is depressed in our sk8 park site they cleared the grass to start making it and now, the grass is growing over. Its been months. WHEN ARE THEY GONNA START MAKING IT? I feel like screaming right now. I long loud one. Because right now I feel dead..and TiReD. I didn't exacting wake up nicly today. I am getting more impatience about going to raves. only about 3,or 4 years.I'll have to figure out how to get those wicked rainbow bright pants by then. I'm gonna be posting some new poems up soon...and I'm gonna learn new HTML things.. Thanks for listening to my ramblings.. Nomes 21/7/friday/2000 12:24PM (oh..percice are we?) Well so much for WRiteN in this daily....Its summer so I dont want to have to come back but here school..So this might be last entry of the summer or I could come back tommorow and feel like writing and I can do that cause its MY joural *sticks her tounge out* *DiVa* I mean, who actually reads these entries? Its not like people come to my page LoTs anyways! I'm still begging my MoMo to make me phat cow print pants..But It might take awhile....Well I have ta go now... P.L.U.R. (raver thing) It means Peace, love, unity, respect... Love Nomes

3/8/thursday/2000 11:30 a.m. Hi.... I saw Mission Impossible 2. It was wicked! I went with my bud payal. Anyways the stupid library people like messed up my day. I phone them to ask them something and they like hung up on me! What there prob? Well one of the guys in my class is like wearing this orange hat like everyday... I feel like finger painting right now....I bough more rainbow beads....anyway I have ta go but remember if your reading this I love you! Love always, Nomes

15/8/tuesday/2000 5:05 p.m. Hey everyone I am pretty happy right now. I got some mail today. *WHOO HOO* Awsome huh??? I love getting mail cause you can read it again and again. I am going shopping for all my clothes in like a week or so...Its gonna be awsome. I cant wait cause my mom and my sis and me are gonna stay up where we are shopping for 2 days or something! wicked huh? x-games are on soon!! WHOO HOO Love always, Nomes