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Tyler Hynes

Cool Things about Tyler

Tyler Hynes sites

GoodGuys Page (this one kicks)
Amazon's Offical Page

Tyler is awsome! Tyler's birthday is May 6th. He is 14. I hope you like this page as much as you like tyler. I think its really cool that ty skates around the set. I think his dog is cute too. tyler has 1 brother and his name is Brandon. He is 16 and is in a band. Hopefully releasing a album soon. *lol* You never know, maybe he's got talent is music like Tyler has in acting. Well, I hope you like this page. If you have any comments about the page just sign my book. There's not much here now, but I update almost week so check it out again later. *okay?* Laughs*. Well even if you reading this anymore I better let you go. Just, if you want to take some pictures feel free to, thats what their here for. Please just link your page to mine and then I will link mine to yours. One more thing! also you can go to my main page if you click on the link at the bottom of the page. These are pretty wicked pictures huh?

I would really like to thank the GOODGUYS website for all there pictures and imformation. AND the amazon website too. You guys rock. And Bill. You rock man!!

Love, Nomes

Tyler, thanks for all the sweet movies and T.V shows you have put you time into.

Those were just some Amazon pictures.

A sweet pictures of Tyler Sk8ing!

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