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Oh, Blasphemy.

Tuesday, 30 March 2004

Changing myself by the way of others

I've noticed something recently. The people around me shape who I am. This isn't a huge life-shattering finding... just something that one has to realize on their own after going through it, I suppose. A year ago I was such a different person (much more boring!) with different tastes in almost everything. Now, I've surrounded myself with people who are like what I've become, and it's so much more comfortable than having to constantly change to suit them. And I'm actually comfortable with who I am, now. This is such a change from the past. Maybe being 20 years old has something to do with it... that my personality is stabilizing. One can only hope.

I'm thinking of changing colleges. After looking at the DAC program at another nearby college, the one I'm attending now seems so pathetic! I should have done some homework last year before applying, I suppose. But at that time I was so lonely and at my wit's end that I just wanted to be close to home again, no matter how much I knew home sucked.

Posted by hi/gabrie2 at 2:21 AM EST
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