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Oh, Blasphemy.

Thursday, 2 December 2004

Diary Entry from September 22, 2002
I went to the zoo last weekend and met a bunch of awesome people. One of them is Dave. Since then me and Steff have been spending loads of time with him, and I haven't been geting much sleep. That's alright though, even when I get the opportunity to sleep in now I don't sleep for more than 8 hours. My sleep cycle has corrected itself. Anyway, I've been drinking a bit. The most I drank so far was at the Expose Yourself pub night, I went with Steff and Dave and we met up with a bunch of other people. I had a couple of shooters, baileys and Dave gave me beer. I felt so horrible the next day for the entire day. Something we've come up with is "laundry parties". It's when a couple of us need to do laundry, so we get in our pyjamas and hang out in the lounge until the laundry is done, then hang out in somebody's room. My classes are a bit hard to keep up with, I dropped the English class and switched to philosophy. There's still 5 essays to write but not that much reading. It's the two mandatory courses that are hard, so many quizzes and it's hard to just squeak through. I do the readings and study them but apparently it's not enough. Right now I have the cold from hell. It started Friday and more symptoms kept popping up so I said screw it, and went to get some Tylenol cold. I feel better but my body is doing weird things, I'll get it chekced out later if this keeps up. Aunt Louise is in London, I'll be seeing her on Tuesday. She wanted to see me today but I'm not feeling good enough to make a trip in the city. Well my laundry should be done now.

Posted by hi/gabrie2 at 1:52 AM EST
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