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Oh, Blasphemy.

Thursday, 2 December 2004

Diary Entry from December 27th, 2002
I'm very relaxed and cozy in my bed right now. Been home for the holidays since the 14th of December. Left on the 13th at 3pm and got in Kap at 7am. The train ride was interesting. I got a ride from London to Toronto with Steff, and almost didn't make the train on time. On the train I met up with a girl from work and a guy she went to school with. Across from us were 2 guys from Smooth Rock, Shawn and Ben. We all talked with each other until late, then Mel and her school friend tried to sleep, so did Ben, but I wasn't tired and neither was Shawn so we went into the dining cart to play cards. He was totally messed up on shrooms. Told me all his problems in life. We've been keeping in contact since then, when he came to Kap for his G licence we went out for coffee.

Posted by hi/gabrie2 at 5:08 PM EST
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