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Oh, Blasphemy.

Thursday, 2 December 2004

Diary Entry from September 4, 2002
Second day of classes at Fanshawe and it's been a zoo so far! Asides from one class which I really feel edgy about (English 221) everything seems really cool. My roommates are nice. We're not party animals so it all works out fine. I avoid telling people where I'm from because they think I'm crazy for moving so far away from home for college. Since the residence is connected right to the college I don't ever have to go outside and it can get addictive in a very unhealthy way, it's been 2 days since I was outside last. Hopefully I'll stay stable thru the schoolyear. I've been feeling really good so far though, maybe if I just stay busy things will be alright.

Posted by hi/gabrie2 at 1:37 AM EST
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Intro to the Diary Entries
I'm going to warn anybody right now that these might disturb you. Hell, they even disturb me sometimes just to go back and read them. If you get offended easily, don't read them. And don't blame me for "feeling shitty" after. Deal with it. This is my life, not yours.

Entry from my friend Cristal, who gave me the diary:

To my best friend, Teena
Merry Christmas!!! I hope you enjoy your gift. I found this journal cute because of the cat. I want to let you know that your very special to me and your one of my very best friends. We have spent many diffent moments together and I will never forget them. Your so fun to hang out with and I'm so glad to have you as my best friend.
Love you lots,
Friends Forever!

Posted by hi/gabrie2 at 1:33 AM EST
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Stupid Ears!!!
Mood:  irritated
My ears are giving me trouble again. This time, my left ear has a huge ball of wax in it that the doctor wasn't able to flush out. It really hurt. Now I have to use these stupid ear drops to try and get the wax buildup out. It's only causing my ear to hurt more and I swear to god it's probably causing the wax buildup to get bigger. I HATE MY EARS!!! GRRRR

Posted by hi/gabrie2 at 1:29 AM EST
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Wednesday, 1 December 2004

entering my diary
Mood:  don't ask
I'm going to be adding entries from my diary... I don't really care what people think of me anymore.

Posted by hi/gabrie2 at 12:01 AM EST
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Sunday, 4 July 2004

I'm NOT Fairuza Balk, but if this says I'm sexy like her, you won't hear any complaints from me!!!

Fairuza Balk
Scary in a very good way, you're Fairuza Balk.

What sexy girl are you
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by hi/gabrie2 at 4:47 PM EDT
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More Nocturnal Movies
I've been dreaming a lot lately. Last night was no exception...

I dreamt that my boyfriend had lost a month of his recent memories due to stress or something of the like. Because of this, he wasn't able to be at work for a while and couldn't remember anything that had happened within the past month. His room was different than it is now, and then he changed the furniture in his room around (what significance this has, I don't know). I was hanging out with him and one of his friends called, asking him to DM the dungeons & dragons session that day. My boyfriend refused, saying that he had no idea what went on in the campaign for the last month.

Then the dream switched scenes and people. With a group of about 6 people, we were playing the Guess Who? game (the one where you have a bunch of faces on a board and you have to guess what person the other has). It was a tournament of some kind.

It all ended there. Normally I can figure out what type of significance a dream has, but these ones have me baffled.

Posted by hi/gabrie2 at 4:32 PM EDT
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Sunday, 4 April 2004

To My Friends!

Dear Fucker,
You are my fuckin' friend,
And I hope you fucking know that's true.
No matter what the fuck happens,
I will stand the fuck by you,
I will be fuckin' there for you,
Whenever the fuck you need me.
To lend you a fuckin' hand,
To do a fuckin' good deed.
So fuckin' just call on me,
Whatever the fuck you need.
And I'll fuckin' always be there, Cause I give a fuck.

Posted by hi/gabrie2 at 3:16 AM EST
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Unitarian Universalism
This doesn't surprise me very much, seeing as Roman Catholism came in at 9%, and number 26 on a list of 26 religions. It's nice to know there's a religion out there that accepts varying views!!

According to the Belief System Selector, my #1 belief match is Unitarian Universalism.
What do you believe?

Unitarian Universalism A liberal and diverse religious organization comprised of mostly atheists (or non-theists), agnostics, Humanists, liberal Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Neopagans, etc.

Belief in Deity: Very diverse beliefs - Unitarian Universalists welcome all deity beliefs as well as nontheistic beliefs. Some congregations are formed for those who share a common belief, e.g. Christianity.

Incarnations: Very diverse beliefs, including belief in no incarnations, or that all are the embodiment of God. Some believe Christ is God's Son, or not Son but "Wayshower." Origins of universe/life: Diverse beliefs, but most believe in the Bible as symbolic and that natural processes account for origins.

After death: Diverse beliefs, but most believe that heaven and hell are not places, but are symbolic. Some believe heaven and hell are states of consciousness either in life or continuing after death; some believe in reincarnation; some believe that afterlife is nonexistent or not known or not important, as actions in life are all that matter. Why evil? Diverse beliefs. Some believe wrong is committed when people distance themselves from God. Some believe in ?karma,? that what goes around comes around. Some believe wrongdoing is a matter of human nature, psychology, sociology, etc.

Salvation: Some believe in salvation through faith in God and Jesus Christ, along with doing good works and doing no harm to others. Many believe all will be saved, as God is good and forgiving. Some believe in reincarnation and the necessity to eliminate personal greed or to learn all of life?s lessons before achieving enlightenment or salvation. For some, the concepts of salvation or enlightenment are irrelevant or disbelieved.

Undeserved suffering: Diverse beliefs. It would be a rare Unitarian Universalists that believes that a literal Satan causes suffering. Some believe suffering is part of God?s plan, will, or design even if we don?t immediately understand it. Some don?t believe in any spiritual reasons for suffering, and most take a humanistic approach to helping those in need.

Contemporary Issues: The Unitarian Universalist Association?s stance is to protect the personal right to choose abortion. Other contemporary views include working for equality for homosexuals, gender equality, a secular approach to divorce and remarriage, working to end poverty, promoting peace and non-violence, and environmental protection.

Posted by hi/gabrie2 at 1:31 AM EST
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Friday, 2 April 2004

weird dreams
I've been having some really weird dreams lately. One that I just remembered involves my teeth. I dreamt that my straight teeth (thanks to braces) got all messed up somehow and so I took my fingers, and moved the teeth around myself. Sections of my teeth actually swung completely around... it was the weirdest feeling. My orthodontist appointment is tomorrow, maybe that has something to do with it.

I also dreamt recently that I was driving a truck down an icy highway. Somewhere in the middle of the voyage, my dad appeared in the middle of the road waving his arms back and forth, but I couldn't get the truck to stop fast enough and ended up running him over. It was in detail too.

A few weeks ago I dreamt that I was in a house, in my pyjamas. Just as I was about to head upstairs, I looked through the patio window and seen this hideously frightening wolf/dog/human thing walking towards the screen. As soon as I seen it, it was evident this thing wanted to chase me. So I scurried up the stairs backwards on all fours, with the intention of walling myself into the bathroom where it couldn't get me. Except whenever I tried to enter a room, I seemed to miss the doorway and would have to go farther down the hallway upstairs. It didn't take very long before that wolf/dog/human thing caught up to me and the dream ended before I became a snack.

Posted by hi/gabrie2 at 1:04 AM EST
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Tuesday, 30 March 2004

Gay bashing by our Christian friends
Some highlights of the blog

This whole gay marriage thing, you do realize is not about gay marriage. It is about cloning. If you take gay marriage and stem cell and embryonic research, you have all the tools you need including the biological to do cloning and all the other eugenics projects you want. Lesbian couples provide the biological structures to bring it all forward. It is the next step of technology. Further, it is written in the law, through the Goodrich Supreme Court Decision.

Look at the gay marriage issue, in the interest of not discriminating against anyone we have created a system that silences people who disagree with it. This is dangerous. When a group of people decide to silence the voice of the people and empower themselves to make laws, then you have a tyranny. That is why this issue is so scary. It is rooted however in spiritual stupidity.

In the interest of making sure all people are equal, we declare war on people who disagree with homosexuality and steal their voice from the public arena. Spiritual stupidity. Yet, we can hear horrendous stories of this when it turns intensely violent, hateful and becomes tortuous and murderous. It is still spiritual stupidity.

Ok, so I don't know about you... but it sounds like someone is afraid of difference and progress.

Posted by hi/gabrie2 at 2:59 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 30 March 2004 3:01 AM EST
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