The Bellmaker Q&A
Q: Why did the Bellmaker stay in Southsward?
A: He stayed to help rebuild their homes.
A: He stayed to build them a bell.
A: To make a bell to ring out every morning, honoring those who died
to save Southsward.
A: A boulder stood on a hilltop. It was to be rolled down and a
phrase to be chiseled on it. The Bellmaker decided to stay behind and make a
bell for it.
A: The Bellmaker stayed in Southsward because he wanted to make a
bell for them and stay and protect them.
A: He stayed to help rebuild Southsward and to make a bell to toll out
for the souls who died to free Southsward.
A: The Bellmaker stayed in Southswards because he wanted to help the southswarders rebiuld their homes. He was also to make them a bell to honor those who had died in the great battle to rid the world of the cruel Foxwolf.
Q: The poem said that five will ride the Roaringburn, only four will ever return. Does joseph die in southsward,or live there forever, or is the
poem just wrong?
A: I think that he lives there forever, but I'm not sure. It would make since for him to live out his days in Southswards.
A: I think that he will stay behind for a few years or however
long he wants, but I don't think he could go without returning to
Redwall to visit his old friends like Saxtus and Simeon and of couse
Mariel someday. Besides, the poem is "only four will er'e return"; it
doesn't mean he can never return, it just means one creature won't come
back with the others right after the battle.