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Damiean was born in a family of clerics that worshiped Iuz. Therefore, his whole upbringing was to hate the worshipers of St. Cutberth. His father wanted him to be a cleric, but his mother knew there was something special about him. So when he was 14,he was shipped out to learn the ways of magic. He lived with his master until he was 18.Then he set out to finish off the do-gooders of St. Cutberth. He has been hunting them for four years now, destroying temples and killing acolites along the way.He is brothered by two: An older, and a younger, whom he seeks out because once united (as told by the gods) they will destroy St. Cutberth together.One of the brothers has only one eye due to a meeting with some witches and some kind of blood power. To write to Damiean, click on the link below.