北京出兵“抗美援阿”﹖~~凌鋒 Copy from 大紀元新聞網 http://www.epochtimes.com/news/epochnews/home/newscontent.asp?ID=141994
俄國10月12日刊出以色列情報網站 DEBKA
對這則敏感新聞﹐北京理應很快反應﹐但是中共的麻木令人驚訝﹐遲至10月15日外交部發言人孫玉璽在被記者問到時才否認說﹕中國反對恐怖主義的立場是明確的、堅定的。上述報導純屬捏造﹐某些媒體在目前形勢下散佈這種謠言是別有用心的。 孫玉璽的回答文不對題。因為刊出這個消息的是以色列的情報機關﹐不是同其他再轉載的其他媒體。中共為什麼不是指責以色列的情報部門而是其他轉載的媒體在“散佈謠言”呢﹖ 這則消息確有可疑之處。第一﹐解放軍在目前情況下不大可能有像抗戰期間的“回民支隊”。因為如果有回民組成的軍隊﹐一旦失控就不得了了。第二﹐像當年毛澤東做出“抗美援朝”的重大決定﹐江澤民沒有這樣大的魄力同美國公然對抗。 但是又不能輕易否定這則情報﹐因為以色列在中東的情報工作一向比較準確﹔以色列同北京的關係近來也很不錯﹐前一兩年就不顧美國政府的阻止執意要把預警機賣給中共﹐到美國幾乎翻臉才停止﹐因此目前似乎也沒有必要故意製造謠言令中共難堪。加上情報說中共在911前就有軍隊進入阿富汗﹐如果那時不是有意對付美國﹐而是出于其他方面的合作﹐那也不排除。可能軍隊裡有若干回民以便有利於工作﹐但不可能全由回民組成。至於神學士政權為何邀請解放軍進入阿富汗﹐看來同11月10日他們同中共簽署經濟技術合作備忘錄一樣﹐有意把中共拖下水﹐以便拉大旗作虎皮。
至於10月5日解放軍再派兵進入阿富汗﹐則可能有兩個原因﹕一個是原來已經進入阿富汗的解放軍可能處在進退兩難的境地﹐所以再派軍隊接應以圖後舉﹔第二個原因就是準備同美國、俄國在戰後瓜分阿富汗的勢力範圍﹐在這個問題上俄國會比美國更緊張。當然﹐如果形勢有變﹐例如美國的反恐怖戰爭打不去﹐中共就會公開打出“抗美援阿”的旗號﹐當起恐怖分子的盟主﹐反指美是恐怖主義。 10/17/2001 2:10:31 PM 參考資料 : 俄羅斯真理報指中共秘密參戰支持塔利班 http://www.epochtimes.com/news/epochnews/home/newscontent.asp?ID=141362 【大紀元10月15日訊】有報道﹕長長的中國運輸車隊已經載著中國回教軍人﹐從中國的西北出發﹐在今日(10月10日)美國開戰之前﹐支援塔利班民兵。 情報顯示﹐中國的軍隊大概有五千到一萬五千人。第一批上星期五進入阿富汗境。軍隊入境是從古和林道到阿富汗/巴基斯坦邊境﹐穿過帕米爾高原的古力克通道。 北京的軍隊現在駐在兩個地方﹕ 1﹕Whakyir是阿富汗吉爾吉斯族的地方﹐在帕米爾高原和塔茲克共和國邊界。對面在塔茲克共和國的就是美、俄特種部隊和空軍的聚集地方。中國軍隊顧用了吉爾吉斯回教基本教義民兵為翻譯。在Whakyir地方﹐加上本拉登和塔利班的軍事人員協助﹐中國將領認為可以幫助塔利班低抗美俄聯軍在35英里外的駐軍入侵。 2﹕在阿富汗北部的Jalalabad。 情報顯示﹐在911事件發生後﹐中國在中亞洲情報局接到線報﹐知道美國要推翻阿富汗塔利班政權而美國又跟俄國達成協議。中國領袖認為這次事情轉變﹐是自1962年中蘇交惡之後最大的事情﹐嚴重影響世界強國均衡。對中國在世界地位﹐在中亞洲和東南亞的利益都有嚴重影響。中國於是認為這次美俄聯盟一定要抵抗到底。 要說明的是真理報到現在還未能證實上面的情報。我們希望真理報駐北京記者Andrey Krushinsky能證實此事。 摘譯自俄國真理報 ==================================================================== IS CHINA MOVING IN? SOURCES REPORT THOUSANDS OF TROOPS DEPLOYED TO BACK TALIBAN 18:27 2001-10-10 http://english.pravda.ru/main/2001/10/10/17674.html According to the information from Debka-Net-Weekly, long Chinese convoys were carrying armed Chinese Muslim servicemen through northwest China into Afghanistan to support the Taliban militia prior to today's U.S. offensive, according to the intelligence sources of DEBKA-Net-Weekly. The DEBKA sources report the troop strength of the Chinese columns at between 5,000 and 15,000. The first troops reportedly crossed the border Friday (that was the day when the Pentagon advised about the beginning of the strike to America’s 17 largest media companies). The troop movements are reported along the ancient Krakoram Road to the Afghan-Pakistani border, through the Kulik Pass of Little Pamir, which is situated in one of the highest and most remote regions of the world. Beijing is reportedly deploying this force in two places: 1. Whakyir, the Kirgyz tribal encampment near the Little Pamir-Tadjik frontier, opposite the swelling concentration of U.S. and Russian Special Forces and air strength. The Chinese have brought with them Kirgyz fundamentalist militants from the Ferghana Valley of Central Asia, as interpreters. From Whakyir, the Chinese generals believe, with bin Laden's and the Taliban's tacticians, they will be able to block off the movement of the U.S.-led force from its rallying point in Dzhartygumbez, Tadjikistan, no more than 35 miles from Little Pamir, into the mountains of Hindu Kush. 2. Jalalabad in north Afghanistan, at the foot of the Hindu Kush range. DEBKA's Chinese sources say that, immediately after the terrorist strikes in the United States Sept. 11, the Chinese intelligence service, MSS, handed in to the defense ministry in Beijing its estimation that the U.S. would go to war to overthrow the Taliban regime, for the sake of which it would sign a pact with Russia. The Chinese leadership viewed this eventuality as the most significant shift in the global balance since the 1962 Chinese-Russian feud, with dangerous implications for China's world standing and its interests in Central and Southwest Asia. Beijing reportedly concluded such an alliance must be counteracted PRAVDA.Ru does not have any confirmation to that information. We hope
that our correspondent in Beijing, Andrey Krushinsky will soon contact us
to clarify the situation. ====================================================================