1. What was the name of the costume the killer(s) would wear?
2. How old is Dewey?
3. What movie is playing on the video store's moniters?
4. What did people call the costume?
5. What T.V. show does Gayle Weathers report for?
6. What can you see on Casey Becker's back when she is running to lock the front door?
7. What is Stu's motive?
8. Who did the killer(s) murder first?
9. What did the hat on Dewey's computer at is office say?
10. What was the original tittle of the movie?
11. Do you like scary movies?
1. Father Death
2. 25 years old
3. Frankinstien
4. Mr. Ghost Face
5. Top Story
6. A tatto
7. Peer Pressure, but then again it is the milineum.
8. Sidney's mother
9. Boob Patrol
10. Scary Movie
11. Why, there all the same.
Darren Z.'s suggestions:
1. How many times has Randy been fired from the video shop?
2. What is Dewy's rank on the police force.
3. About how many pounds over weight is Gale's camera man?
Elisa "WHOO" Nolf's quistions:
1. How many times do you see the killer's reflections in something?
2. What do the killers use as fake blood? From what movie?
3. According to Stu, what do you have to have these days?
4. According to Billy, movies don't create pschyco’s, what do they do
5. How many seconds delay does the hidden camera in Stu’s house have?
6. What does Stu give to Sidney when he is thanking her for canceling school?
7. When Stu and Randy are talking in the video shop about the killer,
which movie does Randy help a customer find?
8. What is the first word said in the movie?
9. What color are Randy's shoes during lunch-time?
10. What does Casey grab that's on top of the T.V?
1. Twice
2. Deputey
3. 50
1. 4. The window at Casey's house, the princible's eye, the freezer, and the cop car at Stu's house.
2. Corn Syrup, Carrie .
3. A sequal.
4. Movies make pschycos more creative.
5. 30 seconds.
6. A flower.
7. The Howling
8. "Hello"
9. Green
10. A letter opener.