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Another of the “loves of my life” are books. I am totally addicted to reading. Sometimes I read books that relate to the things I’m trying to deal with, other times I read things that take me as far away from that as possible. So here are two lists, one of my all time fave books, and another of books which have helped me to understand my illness and my struggles.

Fave Books!

The Once and Future King - T H White
Only Forward - Michael Marshall Smith
A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens
Endless Night - Agatha Christie
The Stone and the Flute - Hans Bemman
Selected Fairytales - Hans Andersen
The Narnia Chronicles - CS Lewis
Emily of New Moon (and sequels) - LM Montgomery
Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkein
Hamlet - William Shakespeare
Picnic at Hanging Rock - Joan Lindsay
The House of Tomorrow - Gary Crew

As you can see, I’m pretty mad keen on fantasy, and I also enjoy some of the classics. Please feel free to email me and recommend other books I might enjoy...I never say no to a good book!

Helpful Books

The Drama of Being a Child - Alice Miller
Women who Hurt Themselves - Dusty Miller
The Divided Self - RD Laing (this is about schizophrenia, but talks a lot about depersonalisation too).
The Truth About False Memory Syndrome - James R Freisen
The Less Travelled Way - June Wrigley

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