About Us
These are just a few words to introduce this page - its philosophy, the pain and hope that it aims to express.
We believe that life is a gift to be treasured. While the
pain we have suffered sometimes seems overwhelming, it has not
conquered us. In all we do, we seek to affirm life, and to
live as much as we dare.
We have found that all relationships are fraught with danger.
However, the rewards often outweigh the risks. Living fully
means living in relationship with other people.
We believe that children (and littles) are the most precious
things on earth. They are to be honoured, protected,
treasured, loved, and nurtured. There is no greater gift than
the smile of a child, and the feel of their trusting, tiny
hand touching yours.
We believe that living well is the best revenge.
We believe that every healing journey, including ours,
requires faith. This includes faith that our abusers no
longer have the power to harm us, faith that our
family/friends will not betray or abandon
us, and faith that our therapist and other carers will provide
the knowledge and support for us to explore our pain safely.
We also need faith in ourselves, that we are strong enough to
survive the journey, and to achieve fullness of life. We have
been helped by faith in the triune God, who has comforted us,
supported us, strengthened us, and wept with us in our sorrow.
There are many things which hurt us in life. However, there
are also things which give us great joy. We love books - they
give us access to the creativity and imagination of others,
and the potential of us all. We love music, and treasure many
songs which have comforted or inspired us in times of sorrow.
We love worshipping our God, privately or with others. We
love long walks, and sunsets, and going to the movies.
There are many other things that we could tell you about us, but we would prefer to share these things through
our stories, poetry, and other prose. We hope you will enjoy
reading these things. God bless.
An explanation of page colours
Each group of colour pages will address a different issue or
topic which is important to us. Please read the explanations
of the colours, as some will contain triggering material.
RED - Material deals with childhood abuse, and/or self injury.
High trigger potential.
ORANGE - Just some fun stuff about us and our interests.
YELLOW - Some dreams and fantasies
GREEN - Christian and other spiritual material.
BLUE - Poetry and other writing dealing with feelings of
sorrow, fear and unreality. Some trigger potential.
VIOLET - Romance, love, intimacy, and special relationships.
BLACK - Black pages feature some great photos of different parts of Australia.
Email: her_dreaming@angelfire.com