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Orange Pages


Hi, this is the worst ever links page in the whole world. Before I start listing links, I'd encourage you all to visit my Webrings page, which is the best way to find sites by other survivors. I go on a randoms search of at least one of the rings every day. Apart from that, I have listed here a few "outside interests", such as football and charities that I support, and as well as some Australian survivors' sites, and two of the places where I have found an extraordinary amount of support and healing. I hope you enjoy exploring these links. Please feel free to email me with any other suggestions.

Groups that I support

New Internationalist

Community Aid Abroad

African Enterprise


Aussie rules is one of the greatest games on earth! Learn more about it by checking out these sites.
The Official AFL Web Site
Carlton Football Club
Brisbane Lions Football Club

Oz Literature

To get in touch with what's happening on the Australian Arts/Literature Scene, here are a few places to start.

Queensland Writers' Centre


Arts Info

Woodford Folk Festival

Melbourne Writers' Festival

Port Youth Theatre Workshop


I am a member (and an employee) of the Lutheran Church. To find out more about the church in Australia, click here! And if you’d like to see where I work, click here! There are also a couple of links here to, and to A Christians Comedy page.

Two Very Special Places

I include these two links because the healing and support that I have found there compares to nothing else.

Dandelion Dissociative Press

Divided Hearts

Australian and other Survivors' Pages

Break the Cycle

Australian Trauma Web

#Survivors - Australia (Robin Biar's Pages)

Princess' Haven


Bubsy's Home Page

Rainbow Connection

Personality Disorders/Ian Dow's Page

We Are Surviving!

These sites are fighting to improve the mental health system...

One Nurse that Dared To Care

Queensland Association for Mental Health

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