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I Dreamed I Loved You. I Saw You In the Mists

Baby, how sweet were the first rays of sun kissing you? How strange was it to see those fingers of warth reaching through to you, reaching through the whiteness?

I loved the way the sun kissed you. It was your slave. You were the most beautiful thing that it had seen. Your long arms; your hands outstretched like flowers on their fragile stems; you made yourself breakable for the one who love you. You embraced your light of love, and she wrapped herself around your body.

How I wanted you to touch me like that! I wanted to feel the warmth of your eyes turned to my face; the heat which burned inside you as you love me. Baby, I wanted to be a priestess. I wanted you to worship at my temple.

And my mouth was so dry. It was as dry as the desert where you slept. You lay beneath the only half-dying tree there was, and you felt its leaves falling down on your face. A braver woman than I was would have kissed you awake. The sun is a wanton lover.

And I whispered to you, "Baby, teach me to fly."

You stopped, and turned to me. I wanted your eyes to be the brilliant blue of the sky, but they were as grey as rain clouds. I didn't care about flying. I just wanted to feel your gaze.

You reached out. Everywhere around you there was a cloud of anger. Your arms reached out to be; your hands had wilted in the heat. I put my fingertips against yours, baby, and I felt an iron grip, red hot from the kisses of the sun.

You began to walk away from me, backwards. I was dragged along, my hands crushed in your grasp. There was a silence of hatred between us. I ran, and stumbled, as you moved away faster and faster. I didn't want to be your burden. I wanted to be embracing you.

You flew so fast across the sand that my feet only skimmed the earth. You began spinning, and my legs lifted off the ground. I was frightened. You felt my fear and drew strength from it, spinning me faster all the time.

Tears came to my eyes as the bones in my body broke at your force. I didn't want to cry. I knew you hated tears; but, baby, I hated the way you were hurting me. I didn't know what else to do but cry.

The time passed and the day faded. Morning turned tothe dying of the light. You and I remained locked together. Earth and moon, planet and satellite, we spun so fast we hardly seemed to be moving at all. We were created and set in stone by an unknown sculptor. We were the place without a future.

Such was the pain that neither of us could do without it. It was my food and your water. I longed to make an ending with you, baby, but I needed you to stay alive in the desert.

The sun set, and darkness covered the land. You let out a great cry, as one whose lover has escaped them into death.

I was flying.

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