Sweet D's Awesome Quiz:
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Sweet D's Awesome Quiz:

Thanks Ofra for this pic

#1. Which of the dates below is Howie's Birthdate?
a)August 22, 1973
b)August 23, 1974
c)August 22, 1974

#2. In what songs does Howie have a lead part in?
a) "Everybody" and "Just to be close"
b)"As long as you love me" and "Get Down"
c)"Just to be close to you" and "All I have to give"

#3. What Howie's sense o'style?
a)nicely dressed or anything Tommy Hilfiger
b)laid-back with his hair likt it was in the morning
c)athletic and sporty complete with Nicke shoes and hat

#4. Which of these movies did Howie not appear in?
a) Edward Scissorhands
b) Parenthood
c) Cop and a Half

#5. What is Howie's Background?
a) Puerto-Rican and Spanish
b) Irish and Puerto-Rican
c) Scottish and French

#6. Howie's astrological sign is:
a) sagitarius
b) pisces
c) leo

#7. Howie has 3 siblings, what are their names?
a) Polly-Anna, John, Angie and Caroline
b) Justin, Christopher, Carly and Julie
c) Polly, Mary, Nicholas and Serenity

#8. When Howie sings his lead parts, who sings his soprano? (really hard)
a) A.J
b) Nick
c) Brian

#9. Where did Howie meet A.J and Nick?
a) chowing down at McDonald's
b) at a singing competition
c) at some auditions

#10.What was the sweetest thing Howie could do for HIS girl?
a) take her out dancing
b) buy her dinner and a moonlit walk on the beach
c) Give her all that he CAN GIVE

the answer of the quiz

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Email: guy-fournier@classic.msn.com