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The Quing Concept

The whole Quing concept was developed one evening over a phone call between myself and my friend Steve as a harmonious form of governing the masses with a politically correct title, eliminating the need for any form of local, state or federal goverment.

What is a Quing?
A Quing (the name derives as a pastiche from King and Queen) has total and complete governing power of the street (or Quingdom) they live in.

How Do I Become A Quing?
The Quingship belongs solely to the person who has lived in that Quingdom the longest. Whether they are 5 or 105, they have undisputed rulership power until they either die or leave the area, whereupon the Quingship is handed down to the next longest-serving resident. In the situation of a household moving in at the same time, it can be decided by who walked through the door first.

What Happens When A Quingship Spans Several Suburbs?
This does not affect the street rule.

Do I Have Permission To Enter Other Quingdoms?
Depending on the sanity of any particular Quing, civilians are usually permitted to travel though the Quingdoms at leisure, however there will always be a few Quings who’s Quingdoms are not safe to venture into. It is up to the individual Quings to keep their subjects informed about the streets that are dangerous to enter into.

Does A Quing Wear A Crown Or Other Symbols Of Power?
Here is where Steve and I dispute - I believe a Quing should wear some sort of regal headdress to make themselves easily identifiable to their subjects whereas Steve thinks that any form of indentification would make them susceptible to assasinations from would-be Quings. It would therefore lie in the hands of the individual Quing.

What Happens If A Quing Leaves Their Quingdom To Live Somewhere Else?
The Quingship is handed down to the appropriate person as previously described, the Quing is stripped of all power and begins on the bottom rung of the ladder in their new abode. There is no way to accelerate up the list.

Do you have any questions about the Quing Concept? Are you a Quing or know someone who is? Please let me know!
