How To Spot A Sporty
- Uniform: Anything with three stripes, a swoosh or whoever their sponsers are, shorts, trackpants, Canterbury jumpers, latest hi-tech sneakers, or the uniform of their sport
- Hair: Tied-back or short, usually quite well-maintained
- Jewellery: Minimal, with the exception of runners and tennis players
- Make-up: Mimimal, but loads of deoderant
- Drives: When they're not running or in the gym, something fairly flash, like a newish Commodore (depending who their team is sponsered by)
- Listens To: Whatever's on
- Natural Habitat: Naturally at the venue or training area of their chosen sport, at the gym or the beach
- Other Distinguishing Features: Puzzling nicknames, superb bodies and abstinence from the dessert bar
- Idols: Any sporting great in their chosen field of sport