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S to Z

  • Sinusitis-This is an infection or inflammation of the sinuses.To ease the uncomfortableness try:(1)Heat is a good ally.Try infrared lamps,heating pads, hot water bottles, or the ever faithful VERY hot wash cloth pressed to the forehead and face.You want to do this four or five times a day.(2)You can also try soaking your feet,use water as hot as you can stand it.(3)You should also eat foods that will help to break up the decongestion.The best is garlic, also try horseradish, onions(soup), or chicken broth. (4)Be cautios using over the counter decongestants.They can cause a rise in blood pressure and can cause dehydration.

  • Snoring-O.K. I know no one snores to hear them tell it, but ask their mate and you might get a different story. There are a few things that may help you get a better night's sleep.(1)Try using a flat or no pillow.(2)You can also try elevating the head of your bed.(3)Use a humidifier.

  • Sore Throat-At one point in time or another everyone gets a sore throat.There are several different things you can try to ease the irritation.(1)The most commonly known,of course, is to gargle with salt water.This helps to wash awayphlegm and bacteria.(2)Hot tea with honey helps, as does lemon water.(3)Once again your ally is garlic.Try garlic capsules, or if they are too difficult to swallow try a few drops f tabasco inlukewarm water.

  • Sunburn-For those of us who are fair skinned and live in sunny Florida this can be a BIG problem!I have found several different things to work pretty well.(1)Use vinegar.Splash a little onthe affected area and it starts to sooth almost immediately.(2)Of course my favorite is aloe.You can usually buy fresh aloe in your supermarket.Just break it open and get the"milk" and rub it generously over the burn.(3)A paste made from oatmeal, corn starch, or plain yogurt work well also.

  • Tendonitis-This is often experienced from infrequent exercising or too much at one time.Obviously, try to pace yourself properly when working out. If it is too late you can try:(1)Try a loose wrap while working out.Then when you're finished put ice on the sore spots.(2)Make sure you have good even shoes when exercising.(3)Vitamins A,C, and E lessen t he damage done to the tendons.

  • Ulcers-Stress is the most common cause of ulcers.Aspirin is also a cause.If you suffer from this painful ailment try:(1)Baking soda dissolved in warm water helps to soothe.(2)Milk is no longer recommended for ulcers, as it can stimulate the acids in the stomach.Try water.(3)There are several over-the-counter antacid and acid blockers available today.Try experimenting with different ones to see which one works best for you.(4)Try not to eat spicy foods, these will seriously aggravate an ulcer.

  • Warts-No one really knows why we get warts, but almost everyone in the world does.The easiest thing to do is to just let them take their course.They will eventually go away.But, if you are impatient like most of us you can always try:(1)Get 25,000 IU of Vitamin a from fish oil or fish liver capsules.Break them open and rub the oil on the wart.Do not take them internally because it could be toxic.(2)Try baking soda and castor oil mixed together, applied directly to the wart.(3)If you can find dandelions or aloe try the milk from one of them three times a day.
  • Didya Ever Wonder
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