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29/3/00 - 27/2/09

"Age 30 mths"


"Holly and Artus enjoying a cool dip"

Aust.Ch.Dreistleigh Famed Fargo
Jagersieger Gustav
Iwan v d Silberdistal Sch1
Bea Vom Helental
Dreistleigh Margen
Ch.Jagersieger Alpha CDX BH
Dreistleigh Frau Fronni
Nottrott Wilde Dolli Von Der Kruses Bismark(IMP USA)
Ch.Artus Vom Adelshof
Ch.Vroni Von Hohenhamein
Aust.Ch. Nottrott Wild Vroni
Nottrott Wild Odin
Aust.Ch.Nottrott Wild Jacinta


National Rottweiler Council (Australia)...1st April 02
Judge : HANS PAUL ZANGERL (Switzerland)
Age : Two years
Classification Achieved: Pass
Grading: Excellent

High self confidence together with natural protective and guarding instincts.

Character and Temperment Assessments

Self Assurance...High--- Temperment...High--- Manageability...Mid---
Degree of Excitability...Mid--- Fearlessness...High--- Alertness...High---
Mistrust...Low--- Protective Drive...High--- Crowd Test...Indifference---
Reaction to Gun Shot...Indifference---


RC of QLD...10th & 11th July 05
Judge : Willem Peters (Netherlands)
Class : Open
Grade : V
Male dog 5 years old. Medium size dog. Of correct structural proportions, correct substance, good head, with good skull, good stop, good muzzle, could have more fill under the eye. Ears could be slightly closer to the head. Scissor bite strong with complete dentition. Dark brown eyes, almond shaped. Strong neck, correct neck into backline, correct underline. Correct depth of brisket, good forechest, good depth of chest. Stands correct in front and behind. Very good angles in front and hindquarter, very good bone. Would like to see the tan a little richer. Hard coat. Would like to see more spring of rib. Dog shows very good movement.

NDRC of NSW Inc...25th, 26th & 27th March 05
Judge : Harry Meister (Switzerland)
Class : Open
Grade : V-4
Large. Strong with good substance. Strong head, not fully dry. Medium sized, loosely carried ears. Brown eyes. Flat skull and stop. Medium cheekbones. Wide strong muzzle with scissor bite. Dark mouth pigmentation. Strong neck. Nice top and bottom line. Good chest development, sufficiently wide. Correct in front. Strong, well knuckled feet. Stretched back, sufficiently firm. Correct croup. Strong rear. Correctly angulated and muscled. Good movement. Slightly loose all over. Very nice coat. Colour and markings ok. Alert with good temperament.

RC of NSW Inc...18th, 19th & 20th March 05
Judge : Helmut Weiler (ADRK)
Class : Open
Grade : V-4
5 years. Large. Very well built. Strong bones. Strong very well built head. Medium sized ears well carried. Dark eyes. Correct stop and cheekbones. Strong muzzle. Dark mouth pigmentation. Short and strong neck. Very well developed chest. Straight in front but sometimes stands close. Correct angulation in front. Straight back with correct croup. Correctly angulated in rear. Correct coat. Rich brown markings. Free and far reaching movement.

RC of VIC Inc...29th, 30th & 31st October 04
Judge : Dudley Bennet(South Africa)
Class : Australian Bred
Grade : SG-6
Very large, powerful dog, attentive, alert, confident, excitable, well built, good substance, a little overweight, strong boned, strong powerful head, well carried ears, some wrinkles on forehead, good stop, dark brown eyes, strong powerful muzzle, strong lower jaw and teeth, dark flews and gums, very powerful neck, good angulation front and rear, good top line and bottom line, strong front legs, right front paw slightly twisted open toed, strong thighs, well groomed coat, markings and under tail somewhat light in color..

RC of NSW Inc...2nd, 3rd & 4th October 04
Judge : Frank Beiboer (Netherlands)
Class : Australian Bred
Grade : V
4 years old. Very good type male. Correct size. Very good substance. Good head should be a little broader in skull. Very good ears. Good stop. Dark brown eyes. Scissor bite. Very good mouth pigmentation. Could have a little more fill under eyes. Very good top and underline. Good chest proportions. Very good angulation. Very good bone. Very good coat. Good size of markings - could be a little bit darker. Powerful movement but back could be a little stronger.

NDRC of NSW Inc...13th & 14th September 03
Judge : Lex Quartel (Netherlands)
Class : Australian Bred
Grade : V-6
3 & 1/2 years male. Large in size. Excellent in type. Beautiful topline and good bottom line. A little bit stretched. Strong well formed head. Medium sized well carried well set ears. Dark brown eyes. Complete Scissor bite with good mouth and lip pigmentation - open lips. Good chest and forechest. Correct angulations in front and rear. Strong bone. Well formed feet. Good coat with medium brown markings. Good outreaching in movement with good drive.

NDRC of NSW Inc...18th, 19th & 20th April 03
Judge : HANS BIERWOLF (Austria)
Class : Australian Bred
Grade : V-5
3 years. Good size, good condition - sufficient strong bones. Good markings. A good head. Dark eyes. Well set ears. Good scissor bite. Slight marbled mouth pigment. Strong neck. Good top and bottom line. A little small in front. Front angulation slightly straight. Good rear angulation. Free movement.

RC of NSW Inc...11th & 12th April 03
Judge : UWE PETERMANN (Germany)
Class : Australian Bred
Grade : V-4
3 years. Large, strong bones. Slightly long. Alert and friendly. Medium sized ears, could be a little closer to the head. Dark brown eyes. Dark pigmentation. Very good stop. Strong muzzle. Very good chest development. Pasterns slightly turned out. Strong back. Slightly sloping croup. Strong thighs. Very good angulation in the rear. Healthy coat. Rust brown clearly defined markings. Very good movement. Scissor bite. Full dentition. Two testicles.

RC of NSW Inc...5th & 6th October 02
Judge : OLGA GRIN (Russia)
Class : Intermediate
Grade : V-2
2 & 1/2 year old male. A medium to large size dog. Very well developed in muscle and bone. Very good male head. The stop is good but has a furrow in the middle. Has very good ears. Very dark eye colour and mouth pigmentation. Strong neck. Very well carried. Elbows and shoulder blades are okay. Slightly east-west in front. Very good top and bottom line. Very good croup. Very good rear angulation. Slightly barrel-hock when moving. Fine and healthy coat. Markings are well defined and very good in colour. Free in movement. Scissor bite, full dentition.

NDRC of NSW Inc...14th & 15th September 02
Class : Intermediate
Grade : V-1...Best Intermediate in Show
High well proportioned not to heavy dog with strong bones. Medium sized masculine head some wrinkle on skull. High well worn small ears. The nose could be a bit broader. Dark brown eyes. Good strong neck with strong forechest. He is well angulated in the front and the back. Good active movement with good length in the trot - the back is rolling a bit. Very good middle long fur, warm colours.

NDRC of NSW Inc...15th & 16th September 01
Judge : HETJE LASHLEY-HARMSMA (Netherlands)
Class : Junior
Grade : SG-2
17 mths. Very good type. Right size. Sociable-alert. Excellent head. Ears well set - nice dark eyes, complete dentition, scissor bite, could be a little darker in the mouth. Very good topline. Straight back. Well chested, good breast, well ribbed - very well angulated. Stands correct, good bone, nice strong feet, good coat, good markings - nice colour of the markings. Good movement with enough drive behind.

RC of NSW Inc...30th September & 1st October 00
Judge : Erich Konigsberger (Austria)
Class : Minor Puppy
Grade : VP-1...Opposite Minor Puppy in Show
6 mths old, medium, well built, good head with a very good stop, good muzzle, complete scissor bite, good mouth and lip pigmentation, a little bit pink in the corners, cheekbones should be more pronounced, medium to dark brown eyes, well formed and well set, correct carried ears, good neck, a little bit long in the back, the back should be a bit straighter, very good underline, very good chest proportions, correctly angulated, closed elbows, good bone and muscle substance, paws are well knuckled and closed, black nails, very good coat, the undercoat shows a little bit on the ears and neck, markings are right colour, turns out a little bit in the front, attentive, friendly. Very good gait for his age. The back should be a bit straighter when the dog is moving.

NDRC of NSW Inc...9th & 10th September 00
Class : Baby Puppy
Grade : VP-2
5 mths old, scissor bite, nice type, alert, good bone strength, nice male head with broad forehead, middle large ears good set and carried, cheeks could be a little better pronounced, short full muzzle, slightly heavy lower lips, good pigmentment of gums, nice neckline with some loose skin on the throat, good topline with correct croup for age, well developed chest and forechest, good angles in front and rear, tends to stand close in front, paws somewhat soft and turned out in front, shiny healthy coat, markings very clearly defined of good colour, free and fluid in the movement..



Litter Sister