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Henry Charles Albert David Windsor of Wales

Welcome to my Prince Harry Homepage. Prince Harry is my favourite prince. Yes, I prefer him over William which most don't, but they should. YOU ALL SHOULD!!!! Enjoy my page and please email me with any corrections or comments, or put them in my Guestbook. PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!!!!!!

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Here's an essay I wrote for my English class, which I got an A on. Thank you. It's about why I prefer Harry over William. Don't offended if your a William lover. I over exagerated a bit.

Few people prefer 14 year old Prince Harry, over his 16 year old brother William, heir to the British thrown. Most girls go crazy over William, the first born son of the Prince and the late Princess of Wales. Although he isn't quite as popular, more and more girls are discovering how charming Prince Harry really is. He is athletic and very sportsmanlike, and his wealth of social grace and confidence is amazing. Although William is the heir, Harry seems to have the kingly qualities that William is missing.

When it comes to public appearances, Harry is all smiles with his head held high. He somehow always manages to impress the public crowds by flashing them his dashing grin and thrusting them a wave every now and again. In contrast nervous Wills keeps his head low, adjusts his tie again and again, smiles demurely and maybe waves once or twice-- if at all. Even if Harry were shy, you wouldn't know it, as he is able to hide it well. He comes off as very friendly. Everyone notices William's bashfulness.

Harry can live more of a common life, being the spare Wales' child. He seems proud of his title and uses it well. He's not stuck up and doesn't use his name to get things. He keeps things simple, for example, he'll often choose water over coke or sprite when he goes to a movie theatre; he'll meet your eye when shaking hands.

Football (known as soccer in America) is a very popular sport in England, which is convenient for Harry who not only has high athletic abilities, but also enjoys the game. When Harry plays football, he makes it enjoyable for his opponents. Other boys who have played against Harry in football or cricket matches say he was very pleasant and played very fairly. Harry has shown his passion for sports by attending a world cup football game in France this past summer, and has been known to sneak off to Arsenal games (the London football team) with a few friends. Harry is known for his good sportsmanship on the field.

It's ironic that William, who isn't as suitable also isn't sure if he wants to rule England and Harry has said he would enjoy kingship if it was offered to him. Not only is Harry a wicked athlete with good sportsmanship, he also has an irresistible face, a winning personality and is very sociable. He is kind, simple, and fun, and has lots of confidence in himself, which is all he needs. He is sophisticated yet casual at the same time. He is kingly yet he fits in with the crowd, and can live like a common person. He's down to earth and very loveable. Would Wills be such a heartthrob if Harry were in his place?

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