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Divine Irony

A Savior has been born; He is Christ the Lord. The Savior is born.
God wearing human jeans.
What was it like for the Creator to be created?
What was it like for the God bigger than the universe to become a baby?
What was it like to leave the grip of eternity and spend 9 months in a womb?
For the eyes that saw the light separate from the darkness
now strain to make out shapes
For the hands that stirred the cosmos now playing with his toes
Instead of fanfare greeting Creation's King,
emerging in a flood of fluid, blood, and tears
From the clothes of majesty to a straight jacket of skin and bone
swaddling clothes
What was it like to trade the throne room of heaven
for the manger in a stable?
Instead of Seraphim at Your foot, cattle and donkeys lowed into the night
From streets of gold to alleyways of dust and dung
Could you still hear the angels singing,
or just the constant drum of Mary's heartbeat?
The architect of the heavens and earth playing with building blocks
What was it like for the Creator of all things
being told to keep quiet and respectful?
What was it like for the Father to become a Child?

The divine irony is unbearable.
Didn't You know what You were getting into?
The beauty of it is that You did, and You did it anyways.
What can I say to that?

Glory to God in the Highest!