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May Term 2002

37 Cents
     I speak to you in riddles 
     cause my words get in the way -Staind

you speak to me
in rhyme
that doesn't fit the
scheme i layed out
side by side
still i fall for
every riddle left
when i try to
make sense of
this uncharted purpose
and i wonder
if i'm listening
or what i'm waiting for
when i find no reason
to stay
tomorrow or today
i spend my days writing
you letters in my head
and my nights writing
the One who can deliver them
out of this quiet place
where some things are
better left unsaid
between fantasy and fiction and
fact of the matter
is you can't read
what i can't write
so i'll see ya when i see ya
still the perfect rhyme of my
poetry and postcards
are still waiting for the
stamps He won't sell me
and the mailbox you aren't
ready to open.

I think that sometimes my parents really do know what's best. For everything else, there's Mastercard. I think reality is surrealism after isn turned downside up inside my membrane of memories long since forgotten until trip goes my shutter and flashes of lightning radiate my X-ray vision of heaven. I think someday I will get there, up spiral staircases to nowhere fast or slowed still stopwatches sounding my perfectly timed arrival. I think eternity is always just around the corner of my old neighborhood street down to the playground where swinging merry-go-rounds of laughter lap upon my shores stealing first through third and all the way home again where the heart is heavy no more or less inviting than a whole open door way to ever after. And in my befores I am fully convinced, if I am still enough and wait, I can see the grass grow.
Monochrome It's not easy to see my world in black and white. A fast developing photograph overexposed to a mere moment in time ticking one-hundred- and-two silver ions breathing in and out and out of control panel levers and switches and dials up your number as numbered are my days when I find no need to call but no time to waste away the day with sleeping or with out you in all your technicolor tenderness.
Mission I just don't care about political science right now. 10 page papers on newsprint issues already written into the bigger picture where it's all trivial, really. from nuclear weapons to my very own internal explosions. what relevance does globalization have to my life? it's not like I'll ever leave the country. unless, of course, the phone rings. and instead of that familiar voice smiling through the wires, a long awaited One speaks driving directions to Africa, peace to all my wars, and till death do you part promises. upon whence I will hang up the phone, finish my government, and pack my bags full of t-shirts, Bibles, poetry, and tap shoes.
Over the Edge found poem: Sarah McLachlan I've crossed the last line from where I can't return where every step I took in faith betrayed me passing time passing through like liquid I am drunk in my desire in between the calm inside me and the space where I can breathe a breath between us could be miles a glowing ember burning hot burning slow deep within I'm shaken by the violence of existing for only you and all I feel is black and white and I'm wound up small and tight and I don't know who I am with night as my companion and solitude my guide could I spend forever here and not be satisfied? I have the sense to recognize that I don't know how to let you go every moment marked with apparitions of your soul I'm ever swiftly moving trying to escape this desire the yearning to be near you but I fear I have nothing to give I have so much to lose here in this lonely place tangled up in your embrace there's nothing I'd like better than to fall
1500 mph directions to your house written on the floor of my car e t c h e d into the grooves of my pedal un- patiently lifted off the mat as I'm stuck in a …nopassingzone… driving 25 miles an hour while my speedometer wants to convert to m i l e s a minute and race right to the finish line first breaking every law and turning this very concrete up side down in side you and your stop-and-go traffic patterns that cause me to transform my lead foot into inches apart in neutral until a collision scratches off the paint writing directions to your heart.
Now That I Have Written Four Poems Which I Cannot Under Any Circumstance Send and Say: This Is For You Memories splash cold breezes over me as I lie in wonder land stretched in all directions between point A and point B. Music curtains the car windows in my mind focusing only one-way streets twisting chords around my heartstrings. Unraveling one stitch at a time ticking through Bible verses of our book stored away with all the joy full silent smiles I can't forget even when I try to hide them behind cards or phonecalls or late nights lost in laughter over nothing more than the pages we keep writing one word at a time. Chapters of conversation saved between dancing snow flake flights melting into blessings that come hand in hand with personified prayer, tickled with tye dye moments of worship washed over the ink of my poetry, perfection in each day made new by the mile. Traveling at super speed limits can't contain me when I remember so many words spoken in unison and miss the sounds of our silliness. So I slip up and down your doorstep by step on this tight rope tug of war to peaceful greetings of open door ways to open arms where I am met by silent under standing on the same solid Rock.
running through the sprinkler and is this real? or am I dreaming? -dave matthews band some things you just can't -capture- on film. wrap the world in words and watercolor sprayed with cheap perfume called "summer rain". only we can truly F E E L the drops drip d o w n cheeks as we cry out for more cleansing from heaven, sliding off the tips of our noses and sticking to our eyelashes where we can see our friendship clearly. reality rests somewhere between the ripples feet left right in the puddles, and soaked into the denim creases of creativity. yet all our art is inadequate to the reality of creation. but someday we will get to watch God make the rain.
there are too many pens in my Bible as if I myself write the stories of 2000 years in the making history of so many people to be remembered so I underline verses of hopelovepeacejoyeternity promise of a new day of a new life if only I would put down my pen and let my Jesus do the writing
can i? take a look around you and see what's within you. is there room in your life, can i fall down beneath you? -pat mcgee is there room between your toes for me to step inside a while? i could be your mirror if you would listen to me talking from on the wall you've built between us and left me digging deeper inside your self so i can slide beneath these bricks beneath this glass beneath that thing you always look like you love to do to me until i wonder if you're even looking at me or at your self or at your feet and where the are walking away from me leaving me hanging by the tips of my toes.
Wrong Side Up The sky sings of heaven tonight, white clouds d u s t e d with the shadows of nightfall ing fast upon the world below my feet walking always up a down escalator. Forever fighting fast lane traffic traveling wrongway on a oneway street toward right destination unknown left over right over left in front of the other foot forward falling up but back ward to the place I started from. Still I sit and wait for a step by step to still so I can slide up the staircase to heaven.
in my someday after every setting sun would shine upon the cracks in the walk beside my feet never growing tired of dancing circles around the tear drops my eyes would never miss an inch of the wonderland around my heart would beat you to it so i could hear a mile away where my mind would meet me in the middle of the kitchen floor dusted with footprints of my loved ones and twos and threes and forever on inside my room where we would be filled with joy of my Jesus never falling silent or feeling farther than my own back yard where i spend hours rolling down the hill staining my favorite jeans that i can never part with no matter how many holes they carry with me the evidence of my moments
To Go for phil lee a whispers in the wind call from every corner this breeze has traveled in between the moon beams and ocean waves the grass breathes and sun shines down through a clouded sky shading His mysteries that you have been sent to discover and uncover the eyes of others who whisper their own searching for the light peeking heavenly through each pin prick in a midnight sky that speaks the same over you and me even worlds apart assuring us to be silent and hear their cries for direction, the whispers to guide us to them, and His answers to all the mysteries these brothers and sisters never dreamed you could help them understand...
in my margins what would happen if I let my crayons color outside the lines? like the ones I trace up and down the curves of your spine, around the curls of your hair, over the skin of your cheeks, your neck, your arms, your hands, to the fingertips that once traced the curves of my face, my back, my waist line both in-side-and-out of everything learned in kindergarten, when everything was so simple and we didn't have to think about tomorrow but today, you can call me whatever you want.

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