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Poetry from Vienna

flight to Vienna: 20 mai 2003

she wished the airplane
windows rolled down
so she could stick her
hand out, feel the breeze,
leave pieces of herself
behind and fill in the
gaps with clouds...

Art in Deutsch I could read at age four but I don't know what "Einbahn" means as I scan the street signs of Vienna, white words on blue arrows. They point to a man sitting, painting, and I read his brush strokes, blue on white, detailing glass that won't shatter. I follow his gaze down the street to the crowds contained in St. Stephan's square and am drawn by the background of Gothic gargoyle arches keeping out evil, calling me in. I pass rows of icons and blackboard and still can't read "Wie ist Christus fer sie?" but even in this country I understand because I can hear people singing "Alleluia" in the streets.
Café Central my skin blends in with the color and curves of the chair cushions as my arms rest, cold, on marble, pink nails tap the matching table top, tap the tea cup I sip from as I drink in the city, the café, the calm calling of a thousand poets before me who curled each word around another where pen meets page between the silence of spoons stirring and steam scaling columns toward vaulted ceilings, who tasted subtlety of dim light from iron chandeliers, who sat for hours then kept the sound of ivory singing in their ears out the door, just as I carry with me a piece of the café we all become a part of.
Central European Time though I lived a day ahead, I could not see it coming. I gave up the chase, left the country—he gave up his heart, left hand— I wonder where he left me, and if I had held on a little tighter, would I be wearing rings of gold, of Christmas traditions and summer vacations, of sandy African days and clear European nights, of tyedyed laughter and melodic love, or if I would still fly home to find him anything but lonely since I left.
Love, Mom in June, you watch lavender gowns sway down rose petal aisles and dream of your five who will wear them some day you will follow wearing white, carrying my love in diamond studs, his love in rings. in your June, he will know every inch of you, but never know me beyond your diamond ears he kisses, your lace he unbuttons revealing a garter strung to match lavender dresses I chose for your maids when you were fifteen in my hospital room, bouquets of flowers, glass vases on the windowsill, your hand in mine, fingers tracing lavender veins up and down my arms as they write out last words, wedding plans, love, breath.
Nightbreak into Dayfall how far you are I just don't know the distance I'm willing to go -Norah Jones you snow on me as I climb this mountain and wonder how one can be so close and still so far away I go again only this time, you are exactly what I wasn't looking for while I was looking for a clearing, for signs of clarity, but I clearly can't forget you as the clouds make way for the stars I'd wish upon if I could pick one through the fog, even then I wouldn't know what to wish for because it's getting late and Norah is still stuck in my head with her jazz, her blues, her reminders of you and my wishes to sing as we sail away on our underground river to the top of the mountain— it's just a dream—so I stand, want to leap from the ledge but darkness freezes my feet to the edges of maybe, when the sun rises at midnight, the darkness won’t swallow daylight.
Mauthausen what if the cross around my neck were as heavy as a star? like the one sewn on your sleeve, I roll mine up to combat the heat and wonder if these stones I step on were carried up the stair case of death, wonder if I'd walk it to save my soul. I wonder if you knew what you were walking for, still waiting for a Savior two-thousand years too late, if I would forget Him beneath the cement bricks, if I would give in, let my bare foot slip, slide off the narrow cobblestone stair, cascade the prisoners down into the quarry, let naked bodies bury me like those killed and collected in the sterile stone cellar, if it would make me sick that someone thought to sterilize, take pictures of men waiting in line behind iron bars, they rested on tile floors and leaned on yellow painted walls stained blood red they would soon lean gravestone upon gravestone carried up from the quarry I'm afraid if I carried my stones I’d quit caring about living with or without my Jesus.
Offen die Turen fer Christus! the mob is praising Jesus in the streets, but I am singing rock 'n' rolling the Triangle looking for a local bar scene, counting out my Euros for happy hour, heavy coins a high price to pay for citrus slices and paper umbrellas, but a small price compared to what He paid for my freedom— to drink, to dance, to dare to forget that my life isn't mine to waste.
Ophelia when it rains I watch vanilla raindrops collide and collect on otherwise invisible strands still tying me to you they twist and turn my world around to where I sat inside the sea beside your salty skin I still remember every stroke that kept me floating and every slide that made me fall into you never knowing even red seas run dry when sand sinks and leave me behind, unseverable strings even now keeping me under the weight of your water.
rain on Charles Bridge, Prague night nestles into every nook the street lamps cannot -Matthew Nickel yellow-orange glow cannot be captured on film. in my mind I take pictures. sketch out the light lined bridge, brick and iron. carve in my footprints, erase clutter, breathe in fog. by day, I imagine the saints watching through sculptures. five stars on his head, saint nepomuk takes inventory of tourists, whispers inspiration in street artist ears, watches the sunset, guards the Danube by night. I close his eyes, nestle up to you. let my red dress bleed into the raindrops, teach you to waltz, close your umbrella— it keeps out the streetlight.
Rax Alps if you were mine I'd bring you a piece of the Alps. pick one out perfect from gray-red rubble, flat and misshapen, write Psalm 121 on it because I remember the way you pray slowly, take my hand and close your eyes, whisper each word carefully, carrying me into the arms of my Maker. if you were mine I'd admit mountains make me think of you, imagine us on top of the world where wind and rain can't reach what we'd find there. you'd promise to take me back to the cliffs, we'd throw our hearts off the ledge, bid the past goodbye, send our prayers into the future and hang glide down to meet them.

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