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[ ] PRINT SHOP: APPLEFEST BORDERS & FONTS. Contains 67 borders and 5 fonts for use with the Print Shop (Broderbund). Three of the fonts contain lower-case letters. Professionally designed by Bill Olson.

[ ] PRINT SHOP: INTERNATIONAL DOLLS. Showcases some exquisitely designed representations of dolls (China, Dutch, Mexico, Spain, Turkey). Plus many others including: Albert Einstein, B.C., Garfield, The Shadow, King Tut, Statue of Liberty, chess board, igloo, skier, scuba equipment, gondola, various flowers, various animals (deer, horse, lady bug, puma, shark, unicorn), and the insignias of most of the major league baseball teams.

[ ] PRINT SHOP: INTERNATIONAL SYMBOLS. This disk contains symbols commonly used on signs throughout the world. Among the 59 symbols included are airplane, baggage, bar, bicycles, bus, cattle crossing, coffee shop, do not enter, elevator, escalator, first aid, handicapped zone, hill, information, lost and found, mail, men, men at work, no bicycles, no left turn, no parking, no right turn, no smoking, no trucks, no U turn, pedestrian crossing, radiation, restaurant, school crossing, slippery, stop sign, taxi, telephone, wet floor, women, yield.

[ ] PRINT SHOP: MASCOTS. Contains 62 well-done Print Shop graphics designed to be used as school mascots. Donated to the public domain by Edgewood Press, Inc.

[ ] PRINT SHOP: OLSON 1. Print Shop aficianado Bill Olson used Computereyes (a video digitizer) to create these 63 well done graphics. Highlights on this disk include Dagwood, Blondie, Felix the Cat, and Betty Boop; plus bells, candles, circles, and more. Print Shop (Broderbund) is required.

[ ] PRINT SHOP: OLSON 2. Bill Olson strikes back with 63 more graphics. Highlights on this disk are Popeye, Olive Oyl, Ronald MacDonald, the Statue of Liberty, a penny, a nickel, a quarter, and more.

[ ] PRINT SHOP: OLSON 3. Bill Olson returns with 75 more graphics, many sporting a seasonal motif. Highlights include snowflakes (10 of them), representations of the sun (11 of them), trees, and socks (that's right, socks). For good measure, he throws in a spaceship, a squirrel, a stork, a silhouette of Sherlock Holmes, a couple of snails, and more.

[ ] PRINT SHOP: SPORTS FIGURES. More detailed graphics for use with Print Shop. Many of the graphics on this disk are sports-related: including a baseball player, football player, bowler, weight lifter, football field, golf bag, golf clubs, and the logo of the World Wrestling Federation. Other graphics include: Dracula, Einstein, Sherlock, Wizard, Baby Dragon, gargoyle, Happy Bear, Sad Bear, Mad Dog, Sad Dog, hula dancer, sailboat, space shuttle, and more.

[ ] PRINT SHOP: STATES. Representations of all fifty of the United States in both solid and outline form.

[ ] PRINT SHOP: STRANGE FACES. A collection of finely detailed Print Shop graphics. Highlights are some strange-looking faces: an angry face, crazy face, laughing face, and screaming face. Also on this disk are Lincoln, Washington, Liberty Bell, donkey, elephant, eagle, mouse, joystick, footprint, handprint, shaking hands, male sign, female sign, wedding cake, time clock, baby shoe, gunslingers, For Rent sign, fortune cookie, sundae, popcorn, pie, and more.

[ ] HI-RES DOODLE (shareware). An easy-to-use graphics system that allows you to make drawings on the screen, then paint them with a variety of colors. Text can also be easily included in your drawing. Supports both keyboard and joystick control. Written by Hal Carter.

[ ] BINARY UTILITY GRAPHICS (B.U.G.) A collection of 27 machine language "ampersand" routines. These routines allow programmers to easily create charts and graphs from Applesoft. Documentation is on disk. Authored by Kenneth Lind. (requires 64K)

[ ] DR. CAT'S GRAPHIX DISK. Over 20 machine language routines which extend the graphics capabilities of Applesoft. Many demonstration programs are included on the disk. Also on the disk are the source code, documentation, plus a drawing program. Dr. Cat (David Shapiro) later turned this into a commercial product for Penguin Software (see Nibble, March 1985).