Old Computer Magazines for Sale

Old magazines? I got 'em. Here's the current listing of the magazines I have for sale. Actually it's a partial listing. I got more stuffed in boxes that I haven't gotten to yet. But this is most of the Apple II stuff. So if what you're looking for isn't listed here yet, ask and I may have it.

The price is $1.25 per issue (unless otherwise indicated) plus shipping. I normally ship magazines via the U.S. Postal Service, priority mail (fast) or bound printed matter rate (slow).

Email me at kulasoft@verizon.net if interested. - mike

       A+ Magazine
       sorry, sold out

       Apple IIGS Buyer's Guide
       Winter  Spring  Summer  Fall
       sorry, sold out

       Apple Direct
       Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec
1988                                                 *         *
1989    *    *    *    *    *         *    *

       Apple Orchard
       Spr  Sum  Fal  Win
1981                   *
       Mar  May  Jul  Sep  Nov
1982    *         *         *
       Feb  Mar  Apr  Jun  Aug  Oct
1983    *         *               
       Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr
1984    *                

a - spine torn

       Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec
1993                   *    *    *    *                   *
1994                        *
1996         *    *    *         *    *         *    *    *    *
1997    *    *    *    *    *    *    *         *    *    *    *

       Jan  Feb  Mar/Apr   May  Jun  Jul/Aug   Sep  Oct  Nov/Dec
1981   1981 issues sold out
       Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec
1982    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *
1983    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *
1984                                            *    *         *
1985    *    *                   *                   *         S
1986                                                           *
1987    *
1988   1988 issues sold out
1989   1989 issues sold out

S - cover has some damage

1979  Peeking at Call-Apple ($20)

       Circuit Cellar Ink: The Computer Applications Journal
1983   Jun

       Computers & Electronics
1985   Jan

       Compute's Apple Applications
       sorry, sold out

       Creative Computing  
       Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec
1981                                  * 
1982    *    *    *         *    *    *    *         *
1983                             *    *    *    *
1984    *         *              *

       Dr. Dobb's Journal
1995   Jul
1998   Sep

       Game Developer
1999   Jun ($5)

       Hardcore Computist
        1 ($10), 4($5), 7($5), 11 ($5)
        14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
        25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,
        33, 34, 35

        all issues are $3 each unless otherwise indicated
        name changed to Computist starting with issue 27

        The Best of Hardcore Computing ($19.95)

1988   Aug

       sorry - all sold out

       Information Week
1996   Mar 4

       Micro Computing
       Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec
1984                             *         *    *    *    *

       Midnight Engineering
1992   Sep/Oct (cover damaged by tearing off of address label)

       Microsoft Magazine
1995   Nov/Dec

       sorry - all sold out

       Omni (last check 11/1/05/03)
       Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec
1984                                       *         *
1985    *    *              *                             *
1986                                  *         *     
1987         *              *    *         *                   *
1988                                            *
1989    *    *

       PC Computing
1989   Feb  May  Jun  Jul  Sep  Nov

       PC Magazine
       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 25 26
1984                     *
1985                                 *        M                    *  *  *
1988                                             *  *  *  *  *  *
1989   *  *
1994                           *        *  *  *  *           *
1997                                       *
1998   *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

M - n/a: to be sold separately

       PC Today
1990   Oct

       PC World  
       Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec
1988                                                           *
1989         *    *
1994                   *    *                   *              *
1998    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *
1999    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *
2000         *    *              *    *    *

       Peelings II  
        1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9
        sorry, sold out

       Personal Computing
       Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec
1984    *    M    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *
1985    *         *         *    *         *    *    *    *    *
1986    *
1987    *    *    *    *    *    *
1988    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

M - Macintosh debut issue $3

       Popular Computing
       Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec
1982                                            *
1983         *    *         *         *    *
1984         *    *              *                   *         *

       Psychology Today
1981   Jan

       Small Systems World
1985   June (Structured Analysis, Design and Programming)

       Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec
       sorry - sold out

       Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec
1983                             *         *               
1984                        *

       Tools For Windows
1995   Jan

       II Computing
      Dec/Jan  Feb/Mar  Apr/May  Jun/Jul  Aug/Sep  Oct/Nov
1986    $5

       WebSmith: The World Wide Web How-To Magazine
1996   Jul

       Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec
1998    *    *    *    *                        *    *    *    *
1999    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

% - $5, first or early issue
# - $3
@ - $2
N - no cover
P - cover has piece missing
S - cover has some damage
P - cover wrinkled, missing small piece at bottom
r - cover wrinkled
W - writing on cover
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last updated 3/5/05 -->

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