nirvana quotes

  • "Born into a generation that doesn't want heroes but simply someone who understands, Cobain understood" ~writer

  • "These guys are like the three stooges on speed!" ~mark arm (mudhoney)

  • "If Generation Hex is ever going to have its own Lennon, Cobain is damn near it" ~writer

  • "If there is a glimmer of hope in anything, you should support it" ~kurt cobain

  • "Listeners may not get the irony at all" ~kurt cobain

  • "I tried to be ringo starr on the new album!" ~dave grohl

  • "I gave my life for instant satisfaction, and paid the price!" ~kurt cobain

  • "The masters of disease and grunge, loud ballads of love and dirt, these guys are the kings of the underground!" ~chris cornell (soundgarden)

  • "John Lennon was obviously disturbed. So I could relate to that" ~kurt cobain

  • "Like Lennon, I use music to scream out an unhappy childhood" ~kurt cobain

  • "No one wants to be under someone else's control" ~krist novaselic

  • "I must be one of those narcissists who only appreciate things when they're gone" ~kurt cobain

  • "Cobain never wanted to be the spokesman for a generation that doesn't mean much. In essence Nirvana transformed the 80's into the 90's" ~writer

  • "Integrity is a heavy burden for those trying to scale the charts" ~kurt cobain

  • "Nirvana has taken fans to an edge they seldom inch toward" ~writer

  • "Nirvana wasn't a band to compromise!" ~henry rollins

  • "Overblown? Possibly. Over with? Definitely not" ~writer

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