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        The Auction

    The upstate NY man was rich in
    almost every way. His estate
    was worth millions. He owned houses,
    land, antiques and cattle.
    But though on the outside he had it all,
    he was very unhappy on
    the inside. His wife was growing old,
    and the couple was childless.
    He had always wanted a little boy
    to carry on the family legacy.

    Miraculously, his wife became pregnant
    in her later years, and
    she gave birth to a little boy.
    The boy was severely handicapped,
    but the man loved him with his whole heart.
    When the boy was five, his mom died.
    The dad drew closer to his
    special son. At age 13,
    the boy's birth defects cost him
    his life and the father died soon
    after from a broken heart.

    The estate was auctioned before
    hundreds of bidders. The first
    offered was a painting of the boy.
    No one bid. They waited like
    vultures for the riches. Finally,
    the poor housemaid, who helped
    raise the boy, offered $5 for the
    picture and easily took the bid.

    To every-one's shock,
    the auctioneer ripped a hand written will
    from the back of the picture.
    This is what it said:
    "To the person who thinks enough
    of my son to buy this painting,
    to this person I give my entire estate."

    The auction was over.
    The greedy crowd walked away in shock
    and dismay.

    How many of us have sought after
    what we thought were true riches only
    to find out later that our Father was
    prepared to give us His entire
    estate if we had only
    sought after His Son alone?

    Author Unknown