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*Beautiful Poems Of Friendship*

I hope you enjoy these poems*Smile* They were sent to me by a very specail friend who thought they would look nice on my website:) Thanks Angie*HUG*

There's a lovely path of friendship
That's abloom with kindly deeds
And sometimes as we follow it
We can't see where it leads.

It runs along through sunlit fields
And gardens bright with flowers
But now and then the sunny skies
Will cloud with sudden showers.

And when our path runs into rocks
Or heights that we're afraid of
It's then we see quite clearly
What our friendship's really made of.

The path of friendship dips and turns
But somehow never ends
As long as faith and love are there
Within the hearts of friends.



A friend is sombody who knows you and likes you
exacly the way you are-
Somebody who's special and so close in thought
That no distance can ever seem far-
A friend is that someone' whose cheerful "Hello"
Always brings a bright smile to your face-
Whose thoughtfulness
Makes you feel really "at home"
Whatever the time or the place-
A friend understands you without any words
Stands by you when nothing goes right
And willingly talks over problems with you
Till they somehow just vanish from sight-
And whether you're neighbours or live miles apart
A word from a friend gives a lift
To your heart and your spirit that shows you once more
Why true friendship is life's dearest gift!

Elizabeth M. Gerus

Heres a poem I really like author anon.

If you stand very still in the heart of the woods,
you will hear many wonderful things--
the snap of a twig and the wind in the trees
and whirr of invisible wings,

If you stand very still in the turmoil of life,
and wait for the voice from within you will
be led down the quiet pathways of wisdom
and peace in a mad world of chaos and din.

If you stand very still and hold to your faith
you will get all the help that you ask.
You will draw from the silence the things that
you need -- hope and courage and strength
for your task.

Author Unknown

Laughter is the golden thread woven through friendship

Time-honored friends are the stars by which we navigate our lives.

True friendship is simply two hearts working together to carry one load

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