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        One of God's Angels

        This page is a Special Dedication to my older sister Brenda, who has been sleeping with God's Angels since she was 18 months old. Brenda was my parents first child, she was the love of their life*smile* Born on July 6. 1956, Brenda had Down Syndrome and no muscle tone, she also had failure to thrive. The hospital back then wanted my parents to leave her there, and not take her home, thats what they did back then, But my mother consider Brenda a specail gift from God, and a blessing that he gave her. So they brought her home to give her all the love they could, for as long as God blessed them with her. And she brought them 18 months of pure joy*smile* You see in my family we consider children born with Down Syndrome, a blessing,and one of God's special Angels. And my mother feels it was an honor that God blessed her for even a short while with one of his special ones*Smile*I wish I could have known her, but all I have are my parents sweet memories, and I do know that someday I will meet her in Heaven*Smile*

        Sonnet To Brenda

        On a cold winters day, in a room filled with love
        A mother rocked her child, as God watch from above
        The mother eyes were sad, as she looked around
        And she rocked her baby, who was cuddly and round
        And God decided, as he sat on his throne
        That he wanted this child, for his very own
        So he called in a voice, that was soft as a sigh
        And the child understood, and as a jesture goodbye
        She brushed her hand, across her mothers cheek
        And she slipped away,with a smile that was warm and meek
        She left many memories, that are warm in part
        But they'll never replace the ache in our heart
        A child whose love and warmth was winning
        Its not not an end, its just a beginning

        ~~Diane Bruce~~

        @Copy right 1998

        A Gift from An Angel,Thankyou*smile*