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Census 2000


The Census for the United States is taken every ten years. The year 2000 is a census year. A census form for your family will soon arrive in the mail if it hasn't already. Not filling in your census is against the law, so if you threw it in the trash, you better go retrieve it. There are two different census forms. The form that most people get consists of about 7 questions. There is another form that arrives in 1 in 6 people's mailboxes. This form has many more questions for a family to answer.
Completing your census is extremely important. The information that is put on the census is used for several reasons. The amount of funding schools in the area get is determined by the census, as is the funding for emergency equipment.

The reason that so many schools are overcrowded is that so many people do not fill out their census. It’s a must! Past census’ can help us know how things used to be. The provide information on not just how many people lived in the states but it also can tell us how the average family lived and how much things cost.

Now, censuses are taken much more efficiently than they used to be. Someone used to go to each house and put the information from the family on a clipboard. Then, a person would have to read through each paper and put the information into a huge computer. Now, the census is mailed. There are computers that can read either pen or pencil handwriting.

If you don’t fill in your census, you will soon get a visit from a stranger, and they will fill it in with you. You don’t want someone you don’t know in your house, getting pair by your tax dollars to be there, so FILL IN YOUR CENSUS TODAY!
Created by Shira