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Computer Programming as a Career

So you want to be a Computer Programmer?

This page will answer many simple questions you may have when considering the job of computer programmer. Interested? Read away!

What academic preparation is needed?

Computer programming is a hard job that takes quite a few years of schooling and a lot of knowledge of mathematics. To become a computer programmer, someone should have knowledge of basic to advanced computer programming skills and computer programming languages. The most common computer languages that a programmer should know are PERL, FORTRAN, COBOL, C, and C++. These computer languages are being taught earlier to students than ever before. Everywhere it’s evident that this is the age of technology. Many high schools offer C++ classes, such as the course available for the Montgomery Blair Magnet. Other courses necessary for computer programmers are ones in technical science and logic or system architecture classes. To be a computer programmer that specializes in astronomy a person needs a bachelors’ degree in physics, a PhD in astro-physics, and many math classes.

What is the current salary range?

As with almost all careers, the more years that somebody works as a computer programmer, the more money they will make. The starting salary is around 39,000 dollars a year. After five years, a programmer’s salary increases to 70,000 dollars a year. When a computer programmer has been in their line of work for ten to fifteen years, they can earn up to 90,000 dollars a year.

What is the variety of jobs in this career and chances for advancement?

There are many different job advancements available to computer programmers. A computer programmer can start working as a post-doctoral researcher in a government lab or university. At this time in their career, they work under supervision of a senior programmer. For the first two years, the beginner programmer will handle only sections of code or modular pieces of programs. Beginners hope to get what is called a permanent soft money position. In this position, they work with no deadline. That also means that they will only have a job if they’re successful. Being successful enables them to keep their grant, which is where their salary comes from. After five years of being in a computer-programming job, salaries rise and hours increase. At this time a person can begin to program architecture. They also begin to code and debug junior programmer’s programs. At this time a few go-getters will start their own business. Computer programmers who work at a university can hope for a ten-year track faculty position. Computer programmers working for the government try to get a civil service position. After ten years of working as a computer programmer, many have begun their own business as independent programmers or they have consolidated their positions as experienced programmers at large companies. Although work hours increase, the programmer becomes a definer in program architectures. They are leaders that work with staffs of programmers, and they manage a variety of projects. The hugest pay-off is that the programmer’s salary becomes very high. The more years a computer programmer works, the higher the chance of advancement.

What does a person do in this career?

It’s no surprise that computer programmers write the code for computers. Some write programs to help analyze observations of solar flares. They make numerical simulations of solar flare physics. It’s part of a programmer’s job to make approximate mathematical calculations of such flares. If paper and pencil are used, the calculations are less accurate. Many programmers now use calculators to find an answer closer to reality.

What are some examples of how mathematics is specifically used?

In computer programming, several basic math skills are used. Algebra teaches the basics of understanding mathematical formulas and problem solving. Discreet mathematics teaches disciplines. Boolean logic is important for computer programmers to understand because they need knowledge of decision tress. Also, utilizing sequences will shorten a computer programmer’s work. Geometry teaches logic flow. A geometric proof is a simple computer program. All throughout computer programs, the programmer has to make calculations. Programming is applied math like equations in physics. Math is used to see how particles behave. Computer programmers need to know about gravity and electromagnetic fields. The math needed for computer programming encompass’ a vast amount of information.

How has this career changed in recent years?

The computer-programming career has changed greatly in recent years. As computers become more technology advanced, computer programming becomes more intricate but also much easier. Since there is so much programming necessary today because of the huge use of computers in daily life, the programming industry is greatly understaffed. Many industries are now realizing the benefit of having tailored and modular code written to address their specific needs. Computer programmers who specialize in astronomy don’t necessarily like the new changes and advancements in the programming field. As advancements are made in the inventions of new and better satellites, new observations from different locations and perspectives are discovered. These new observations can prove all past findings are false. New inventions make findings more precise and the findings are on new wavelengths. These new discoveries usually make everything more complicated than the programmers originally thought.

There are many different areas to become involved in with computer programming. Most people can pick a topic or idea that they’re interested in, then make big money by creating computer programs about it. The career of computer programming takes determination but in the end is completely worth it.

Created by Shira Levy