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CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19): In the midst of a very productive day, you're nagged by an old disappointment. It's hard to imagine you could become filled with self-doubt, but that will happen if you continue to see yourself as having failed at something. Pay attention to how well the day is really moving along. Later, a talk with a loved one can dissolve the importance of that old regret. After all, what would you have yourself do, go back and waste time trying to change the outcome? Why in the world this surfaced again is a mystery. Maybe you need to see a new opportunity as a second chance to rid yourself of an old sense of blame. Isn't that what lessons are for, Cappy?

SAGITTARIUS (November 22- December 21): Romance could be beautiful today. You're operating at a deeper vibration and able to express your love with inspiration and depth. You may be easygoing and playful in your demeanor, Sag, but the truest expression of your sign is deeply spiritual. For you, commitment to another person must always include that element. Today's inspiring energy also suggests that you spend some time communing with your inner self. You'll want to review your progress on many levels, but you're most concerned about how well you're meeting your deepest values. There's another benefit of the aspect, and that's a renewal of your creative and artistic powers.

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Recent astrological activity has forced delays in achieving some of your goals. You haven't lacked the confidence that everything's going to work out, but you're tired of having had to face one obstacle or delay after another. A certain lid on your energy is lifted now. See, it's that sense of timing again. A difficult cycle truly approaches its end. You knew that was coming, of course, but it's still nice to have your faith rewarded. And too bad for anyone who's been foolish enough to think you were never going to spread your wings and fly again. Creative energy practically explodes in you, starting today. You may need someone to handle the business-end of your brand-new projects.

LIBRA (September 23-October 22): Creative expression comes easily today. You're often bored by routine work, and you'll enjoy putting it aside to delve into more exciting projects. You feel inspired today. There's a mixed influence on personal relationships. At first it looks like trouble in Paradise, but your ruling planet, Venus, is actually more powerful for you today than any other energy. Count on all the benefits of the energy that's famous for romance, appeal, and good fortune. What looks like the end of a love affair could shift into improved intimacy. And if a relationship does come to a halt under these aspects, it will be in your best interest, Libra.

VIRGO (August 23-September 22) You could hear news about an old flame or else drift into a sweet memory about the early days of your current relationship. It's good for you to remind yourself of happy times. The work day is a mix of successes and frustrations, but it certainly offers you some chances to show your leadership. Build your list of contacts with others who share your profession. You're able to impress others today, and you never know when someone will put in a good word for you. Exchanges of goodwill and useful information are important now. You'll be pleased with a general sense of cooperation among your co-workers.

LEO (July 23-August 22): Here's what you just love to hear, Leo. Today is perfect for romantic developments. Oddly enough, it's a good day for mental work, too. A focus on education may have you exploring courses and new fields of study. If you can't find what you want, look a little farther from home. Some of you are ready to resume plans for acquiring more professional credentials. An influx of positive energy and optimism has you convinced that some of your dreams are possible after all. You're well on your way out of a period of self-doubt now. Self doubt for a Leo? Yeah, it happens. This next thing is minor, but still probable. Someone tries to pull the wool over your eyes. Watch out for flatterers.

CANCER (June 22-July 22): We forgot to mention your romantic prospects this week, Cancer. Well, what did you expect, with the Sun and the Moon perking up your existence? You'll make the most progress with a love interest if you concentrate on quiet time together. Sometimes you think you ought to make a flashy impression to please a partner, but that's not so. There's nothing wrong with your own style of intimate, tender wooing. Leave the grandstanding to other types, and plan a little get-together for two tonight. We don't want to put it in plainer terms to a family audience, but -- uh -- nobody understands the connection between affection and passion as well as you do.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21): Well, didn't you get all serious all of a sudden? Get a grasp on new energy that helps you add some structure to your flights of fancy, Gem. That's what today is about, so don't let the more serious mood take you into a blue funk. It's an excellent day for working out plans, even if you take yourself out of the public eye to do it. After all, you can seek advice by telephone or e-mail just as easily as you can get it face to face. On that score, talks with a friend can really help you. Someone may be willing to go an extra mile for you and hunt up the very information you need today. Here's the interesting part -- a pal could just want to share an interesting story with you, and it turns out to be the best inspiration you've had all day.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Here's another let's-see-how-it goes day for you. Use today's energies to make dreams and wishes practicable, or use them for the possibility of authentic artistic inspiration. After all, it's within your power to make the most of the possibilities. If you don't recognize the opportunity for creativity, you may give in to the other side of this energy. That'll make you believe your dreams are impossible. You could even turn out to be overly sensitive to someone's lack of enthusiasm for your ideas. Well, your inspirations don't depend on other people, Taurus. They belong to you, and you lose if you let anyone discourage you from acting on them.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): You might give in to a special way of raining on your own parade today, Aries. You could realize a long-awaited goal, or you could finally reap the rewards of efforts you made some time ago. The trouble is, you could view it all as too little too late. There might be some real justification for having lost your enthusiasm for this matter, but we doubt it. The problem is that you assigned the whole thing to the category of hopeless cases a long time ago. That was enough to make you gradually lose interest in it. Yeah, it's that old tendency of yours to want immediate results. Well, sometimes they just don't happen immediately. Let go of old resentments about having to wait so long and soak up the joy of winning at last.

PISCES (February 19-March 20): Go ahead with unique and original ideas now. You shouldn't hesitate to make the contributions only you can make on the job. Creative energies are high, and fun to exercise. While you're enjoying a romantic mood, you may also want to initiate an important discussion with your partner. Both possibilities are favored, and it's a good time to build on your mutual affection. Be careful about your continued sensitivity, though. Remember that you're not yet entirely clear on the messages you get. Actually, it's the interpretation of any messages that's your weak point right now. How can you help yourself? Rely on positive reactions. Discount anything that smacks of fear or worry.

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Meetings and negotiations go well today. You could close an important business deal. It's also a good time for employment interviews or salary reviews. Aquarians who freelance might want to consider raising their fees. While you might have reason to seek out an advisor, you're better off working alone today. That's especially true if your work is creative in nature. No one ever created a masterpiece by committee. Besides, you don't want to subject a brilliant idea to argument. The trend for romantic good times continues, so plan your evening accordingly, Aquarius. This could turn out to be your best day of the week.

I would like to thank Crik and Astronet (c)1998 for letting us use some of their material in these Horoscopes

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