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Music Reviews by my bud Sebastian: These may not be new but they're the ones that are raking it in
Remember, these are just one person's opinion, if you have a different one, email it to me and it may find it's way on this website

Offspring, Americana
This record is a change from past Offspring music styles. They have cool hits on there such as "Pretty Fly for a White Guy" and the mellow "Why Don't You Get a Job?" The band's latest release, is more mainstream and alternative rock but it still has some of it's old punk spirit. Some songs such as "The Kids Aren't Alright" aren't getting enough airtime even though they are the actual highlights of the disc. This song can also be found on the "Faculty" soundtrack. A

Eminem, The Slim Shady LP
What can I say? Obscene, funny, hip and controversial? Yeah, that's what makes this CD so famous. Of course, "My Name Is..." has launched Eminem's career. His CD has guest appearances from Dr. Dre and other music greats. This record has the makings of a hot topic in censoring debates with everything you could ever think of that's naughty. B+

Britney Spears, ...Baby One More Time
With her happy go-lucky teenage beats, Spears has been conquering the pre-teen girls' domain. Previously having been a Mickey Mouse Club memerb with 'N SYNC and other no-talent kids, she knows the 'N SYNC boys and was currently on tour with them, before she had knee operation last month after she injured her knee in a dance exercise for her new video. Be careful for the popup song clips that don't come from Britney, but instead, they come from another no-talent boygroup, Backstreet Boys, which has a new CD for this summer. C-

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