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A monologue by the trash guy

One day, any old day, while I was looking thorugh trash... I'm a garbage collector; I'm authorized. anyway.. I was, y'know, looking around, seeing what I could find... wait, OK, some of yous might think being a garbage collector ain't no fun at all. But let me tell you, it's a pretty fun job. Anyways... OK, poking though, I stumbled across the most amazing thing. a skull. a skull! Just, there! Like, lookin at me! It was just emanating deadness but it was like, staring at me. Amisdt this trash junk garbage...just like staring with like its, well, skulls do't have eyes but if it did they were just trying to bore holes in my head. Let me tell you, a skull is like the epitimy of death. It's like, however that skull belonged to ain't alive no more... i can betcha on that.. it's gotta be dead. It was like interacting with me. Competing, if you will. And it pissed me off. I don't LIKE it when dead things look at me. It doesn't work for me it's not, right. Life's a cycle, one thing ends and another begins.. not like, prolonging it's ending to stare at things. gha... And I figured, OK, enough of this mumbo jumbo... I'm alive, it's dead, I can move, it just lies there, I have a pretty mean soccer kick, and it's pissing me off. So I sent it flying clear cross the earth, picked up the rest of the trash, and hauled it in my truck. Another day's work. But that specific moment, I felt that I had reached the heights of garbage collectornes, and felt that I had done my duty, of clearing this area of it's trash. Good night.