Now that you are finally here why don't  you scroll down this page and explore the galaxy that is the cyberspace... You are gonna love the weird and lovely placed that I have put together for you.. You better like them or I am liable to go crazy...................

Before anything really happens you had better hurry and go down into my lovely and enchanting galaxy of LINKS.......

WELCOME!!!!!! So you want to explolre my galaxy folks.... Well!!! Since you have gotten this far it does seem a shame to stop you huh..doesn't it.. So !!! I guess that I won't.. Scroll down this planet and have the time of your life.. Though I hope that you don't get lost in here.. You might not find your way out......HaHaHa!!!!!!!!!!
  Music: Yo!!! All you music lover's out there you'll love these links very much.

News:      If you want to keep up with the latest news inside and outside Pakistan then try out these links.


BOLLYWOOD: You guys will certainly like link to all the hotest news, photos, addressed of your favourite bollywood stars.


FASHION:    If you wanna remain in with fashion then check these links out.

MISCELLANEOUS:     For all those guys and gals who like to read and like to stay on top of the world. Check these hot links.

  Web-Based Free E-MAIL Check out these e-mail servers on the net.

ABOUT PAKISTAN: Try out these links to find out more about where I live.. You might be surprised....


Travelling in Pakistan: Check out different sites that are worth seeing in Pakistan.....

ISLAM :  You might wanna know about my religion... the best ever.. even if I say so myself. Check it out,.. You'll love it I am sure...


  You guys might want to check these out.. Though I may warn you that this is an extremely addictive hobby... So WATCH OUT!!!!!! 

  Remember Your Loved Ones:  Take care of your loved ones by sending them cards , kisses and hugs.... 

Search Engines :    Search for the things you want to find.

 Entertainment :  Check out the entertainment in this section.. You will have a  ball...

   Sports  :       Get some exercise folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......

E-Education In Pakistan:    Here are some of the best educational institutes in Pkaistan. See how you like them.....

 HEY!!! E-mail me if any link doesn't work or you want some more to be added to this page..... I'ld appreciate it.. only if you write i.e....