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Obituary of Eva May Steelman
& Wilbur Wallace Field

Died, June 21, 1878, Eva May Steelman daughter of J. W. and Nina A. Steelman, age, 1 year, 11 months.

July 1st, 1878, Wilbur Wallace Field, son of Geo. E. and Sarah. J Field.

Two little darlings so free from sin,
Moved about from morn till night,
First out of doors then back again,
At every bush and plant in sight.

Grandma's flowers have been spoiled,
Grandma's choicest fruit is gone,
Papa and mamma's books are soiled,
It was Eva and Wallie--no harm is done.

Disease has come with violent force,
And seizes Eva's little form,
A few short days, it takes its course,
And oh! how we wait the coming morn.

With the morning sun the Death Angel came
And carried her away on wings of love;
Oh! Lord, help us to say, "Thy will be done!"
She has gone to that home above.

Oh, how we miss our darlings here,
Our hearts feel sad and sore,
But oh, we hope to meet her there
Where death can part us nevermore.

One short week, with the morning sun,
And the Death Angel came again,
And took from us another loved one,
It was little Wallie freed from pain.

No more we here [sic] their tiny feet;
No more their little innocent voices,
In Jesus' arms they went to sleep;
Oh many angels now rejoice.

We know they cannot come to us,
but we may go to them,
God help us in Thee to trust
So that we all may meet again

N.A.S. (Caroline Adelia Knaub Steelman)

Eva Mae was the daughter of John Wesley Steelman, Jr. and Caroline Adelia Knaub. Wilbur Wallace was the son of George E. Field and Sarah Jane Knaub.

Probably from the Princeton Clarion, July 1878
Original owned by Steve Ahlfeld

Both children are buried in the Old Patoka Cemetery.

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