FIELD/Robert A. Field/1855-1922/Fannie J./His Wife/1861-1915
Robert A. was the son of Joseph J. Field and Nancy J. Phillips and the grandson of Abraham Field and Grace Rainey. Robert was a great grandson of Keen Field and Anna Lewis. Fannie J. was the daughter of James I. Newsom.
Samuel/Son of/R. A. & F. J./Field/died/May 11, 1884/aged/1yr 8ms 5ds
Samuel was the son of Robert A. Field and Fannie J. Newsum.
FIELD/Tobias S./Son of/R. A. & F. J. Field/Sept. 24, 1844/June 14, 1904
Tobias S. was the son of Robert A. Field and Fannie J. Newsum and the husband of Bessie Adams.
FIELD/Lillian/1889-1982/Eldren "Cud"/1889-1958
Eldren was the son of Robert A. Field and Fannie J. Newsum. Lillian's maiden name was Stalcup.
s of/R. A. & F. J. Field/Feb 24, 1900/Feb 24, 1900
Infant son of Robert A. Field and Fannie J. Newsum.
James L. Erwin/1846-1904/Jane his Wife/1849-1918/ERWIN
Jane was the daughter of William Martin and Nancy A. Field. Nancy was the daughter of Abraham Field and Grace Rainey.
Edna F. Erwin/1880-1962
Edna Florence was the daughter of James L. Erwin and Jane Martin.
Lorah L. Erwin/July 16, 1888/Mar. 19, 1908
Lorah L. was the daughter of James L. Erwin and Jane Martin.
Infant/son of J. L. &/Jennie Erwin/Born/Dec. 27, 1883/Died/Feb. 13, 1884
This infant was the son of James L. Erwin and Jane Martin.
Alvis/Lucius F. Alvis/1852-[blank]/Emma J. His Wife/1858-1932/Thier sons/Oscar/1877-[blank]/Walter M./1879-1910
Emma J. Markley was the daughter of Peter Markely and Anne Hinkle. She was the aunt of Lavica Hinkle who married George E. Field. Lucius F. Alvis was a prominant Patoka businessman.
W. S. Rainey/1868-1947/Fanna J./His Wife/1876-1925/RAINEY
Relationship Unknown.
Norman Knaub/Dec 30, 1825-Sept 18, 1893/Aged 67yrs 9ms/18ds/Caroline A./Wife of/Norman Knaub/Sept 22, 1825-Jan 11, 1894/Aged 68yrs 3ms/20ds/KNAUB
Norman Keith Knaub was the son of Johann Georg Knaub and Mary Ann Jacobs of Clark Co., Ohio. Caroline A. McCartney was the daughter of Robert McCartney and Rachel. They were the parents of Sarah Jane, first wife of George E. Field. Sarah is Sallie in the story about her sister Caroline's experince as a young school teacher.
KNAUB/M. Scott/1855-1933/Clara E./1856-1944/Nina L./1887-1893
Millard Scott was the son of Norman K. Knaub and Caroline A. McCartney. Clara E. was the wife of Millard and the daughter of Thomas Stewart and Susan L. Hudelston. Nina was probably the daugher of Millard and Clara.
HINKLE/Lon. Hinkle/1847-1919/His Wife Mary E./1857-1900
Leonidas Hinkle was the son of Henry Hinkle and Mary Catherine Hedges and the grandson of John Hinkle and Rebecca A. Comfort. He was the first cousin of Lavica Hinkle Field. The maiden name of Mary Electra was Milburn.
Charles/(illegible)/Hinkle/died/Sep 20, 1859/in his/(illegible) year
Relationship unknown.
Mother/Cynthia C./His Wife/July 12, 1835/Dec 10, 1900/Father/John Q./ McFetridge/Oct 25, 1828/Mar 17, 1891/MCFETRIDGE
John Quincy was the son of Daniel McFetridge and Elizabeth Key. The maiden name of Cynthia C. was Hargrove. Their children married into the Steelman and Knaub families
Father/William A./May 4, 1828/Nov. 13, 1886/Mother/Jemima/Jan. 23, 1831/SPAIN
Jemima was the daughter of Daniel McFetridge and Elizabeth Key. William Allen Spain was the son of Archibald Spain and Sarah Garwood
Milton Lewis McRoberts/HAI US Navy/World War I/Jan 19 1895 Mar 29 1935
Milton Lewis (Lewis Milton) was the son of Milton McRoberts and Elizabeth Phillips. He was the grandson of Artemus Bernard McRoberts and Indiana Lewis
Alice Brown/1855-1930
Alice Grey Sanders was the daughter of William Sanders and Amanda E. Dills. She was the wife of David T. R. Brown.
Brown/William C./Aug. 28, 1882/Sept. 21, 1934/Ollie E./Mar. 9, 1884
William Clarence Brown was the son of David T. R. Brown and Alice Grey Sanders. David was the half-sister of Lydia Brown, wife of Benjamin R. Field. Benjamin later married the mother of Alice Sanders, Amanda E. Dills, as his third wife. The maiden name of Ollie was Garwood
Father/Clifton E. Brown/1880-1941
Clifton Ethelbert was the son of David T. R. Brown and Alice Grey Sanders. His wife was Maraget D. Beaty
Garwood/David/1872-1940/Edith E./1877-1965
Edith Elizabeth Brown was the daughter of David T. R. Brown and Alice Grey Sanders.
Dr. W. B. Duncan/Jan. 20, 1851/July 20, 1900
William B. was the son of John J. Duncan and Harriet N. Routt. He was the grandson of Shadrach Duncan and Elizabeth Pendelton. His wife was Allie M. Buckner.
Aurelia J./Dec. 12, 1848/Nov. 22, 1908
Aurelia J. Woods was the second wife of John J. Duncan.
Joseph J. son of J. J. & A. J./Duncan/ Died/Aug. 4, 1900/Age 18yrs 6ms & 7ds
Joseph J. was the son of John J. Duncan and Aurelia J. Woods
James/Burr/son of/J. J. & A. J/Died/Jan. 26, 1891/Age/15yrs 8ms/27ds
James Burr was the son of Dohn J. Duncan and Aurelia J. Woods
Ellen Hitch/Apr. 2, 1851/Apr. 8, 1931
Ellen Robb was the daughter of David and Eliza Robb. Her first husband was William Steelman, Sr. son of John Wesley Steelman, Sr. and Phebe Elizabeth Hinkle. Her second husband was Nathaniel Hitch.
Nathaniel Hitch/Oct. 29, 1841/May 12, 1932
Nathaniel Hitch was the son of Edward W. Hitch and Mary McMullen.
This cemetery visited by Gene and Lucie Field, July 1997