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This page is about me, and a little of who I am. I've talked a few friends of mine about what I'd like to put here, and they think that I should be careful and not to say anything that could get me into serious trouble.
I agree with them, safety is important. But I also think that there's a time when you have to stand up and tell things the way they really are also, and this is one of those times. So I'm going to tell you about the real me, and what my life's really been like. I'm doing this in the hopes that someone like me might read this, and see that there's hope for them, no matter what kind of hurt or pain they may be going through.
I'm 14, and I live in Hawaii. You'd think that it'd be great to live here, and it is. But I'd be a lot happier if I was living at home with my real mom. But because of things that's happened to me, I can't be with her right now. I lived in California originally, and thats where my real mom is, and all my friends, and I really miss them alot.
You see, when I was 7yrs old, I was raped by someone I didn't know, and he was never caught. I don't have a lot of memory of it, and the things I do remember are real hard for me to talk about. There was a lot of fear and pain that I remember, and it hurt everyone in my family when they found out.
I guess the worst part of that happening to me was that he wasn't caught, because even now I lay in bed at night and wonder where he's at, and if hes hurt other kids like he did me. I guess I'll always wonder, and pray that maybe he died somehow before anyone else got hurt. I know that it's wrong for me to wish for, but I believe that what he did to me was a lot worse than the death he could have gotten, because I'm living with the results.
I guess it was about that time that my dad started to really drink and get drunk all the time. And there were times that he used to beat me and my older brother Randy for things that just didn't make sense, or had no reason to get so upset about. It hurt a lot, and no matter how hard I tryed, it seemed like I just couldn't get him to love me, or be proud of me.
Then when I was 9yrs old, my dad walked in my brother and I's bedroom and caught me doing things to Randy. He got really mad and beat Randy and I bad, and I had to stay home from school for 3 days until I felt better. Mom worked a lot, and she worked a lot of nights, and soon after that dad came in our room one night really drunk.
That was the night that I started fearing my dad and wondering what I ever did to deserve to live like this, because that was the first night of 4yrs of me being molested by my dad and older brother Randy. For the next 4yrs I lived there with my family, and I would lay awake at night when I knew mom was working, terrified that I'd hear the door to our room open and have my drunk father make me do things to him.
I changed and got real quiet. I wasnt happy any more, and I was depressed all the time. I could never tell anyone what was wrong, because dad said that noone would believe me, and that I'd really be in trouble if I ever told, so I didn't. Then in October of '97, I hurt to much, and didn't want to live anymore and tryed to kill myself. I woke up in the hospital and I saw my mom there crying, and asking me why I did it. And for the first time I told, I told her everything bout what had happened, and how I hurt inside because of it.
My dad and brother were arrested the next day, and since my brother Randy was a minor when it happened, he went to juvie till he turned 18. When my dad got arrested he got out on bond, and before he had to go to court he ran away and disappeared. Noone knows where he's at and the cops are looking for him but can't find him.
With the help of the courts and mom, I was snuck over here to Hawaii to live with my auntie, where I'd be safe. She has custody of me now, and I'm starting to find a little happiness in my life again. And I have to stay here in hiding until they either find my dad, or I turn 18.
I love my auntie a lot, and I even call her mom now. But in my heart, she'll never replace my real mother that loved me enough to send me away and keep me safe.
Well that's it, that's my life. If you ask me why I did this, I'd tell you that it's to show you that no matter what happens in your life, you should never give up hope. I gave up hope once, and almost died. But I was lucky enough to have someone that loved and cared about me to step in and see me safely to the other side.
That's what I've tryed to do in the time I've been online now, to be there for people I know and people I meet. To listen and hold them when they needed a shoulder to cry on, or just someone to talk to, or just a hug to let them know someone cares.
If by writing this all down, and bearing my soul to all of you that reads this, can help just one person find a little strength, and peace inside themselves, then I know that my time and my life hasn't been a waste.
So please, if you see someone hurting, or needing someone to talk to, dont be afraid to say "hey, I'm here if you need me and I care". Because that person could be your next best friend, and you might even save his life.