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The following articles are collections of people's real lives. What is put in type here does not do justice to the feelings of pain, and joy, being expressed in these words...however, I have tried to present them in as pure a form as I possibly can.

My good friends have poured out their hearts in these pages so that you, the reader, may become more knowledgeable and caring of others while learning more about yourself in the process.

It is in caring for others that we apply the best medicine to ourselves.

You build a caring community by caring yourself.

Our Stories

 "Jesus Sat With Us"~~~~~David K. Irwin

 "The Road Of Life" ~~~~~author unknown; sent by Becky.

 "A Child in The Park" ~~~~~author unknown; Sent to me from my brother Larry.

 A story of heroism, saintlyness, and dedication with a twist.

 Miriam...who is fighting for her freedom...sent me this poem written by Larry Jackson...very moving!


 "Spread a Little Love" ~~~~~ author unknown


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