perfect by nature
icons of self indulgence

   Gloria glared angrily. “There are other people on this planet. More importantly, there are more people waiting to use the dressing room,” she muttered impatiently, as her arms crossed in front of her and she tapped impatiently with her black boot.
   “Calm down,” Fabian told her, smiling at her friends impatience. “We’ve still got a little time.”
   Ignoring the sulking girl, Zac whistled appreciatively. “Looks good, Cas.” Then, just for meanness, he added; “Maybe you should try the blue top on again.”
   Rolling her eyes, and trying so very hard to bite back the groan (and failing) Gloria checked her watch and her foot started tapping impatiently again. She gave her friend an imploring look, and Fab laughed this time.
   Seeing some of the tension, the assistant manager came over to try and be helpful. “Is everything going okay over here?”
   Seeing the perfect opportunity to point out the selfishness of these two people for hogging the changing room, Gloria opened her mouth to file her complaint.
   Zac smiled confidently and nodded, “Everything is fine. Thanks for asking. But uh, my girlfriend couldn’t find a purple Tinkerbell shirt. Size small. Do you have any in the back?”
   The blonde nodded happily. “Sure, just let me go check.”

just what we all need
more lies about a world that
never was and never will be
have you no shame don't you see me
you know you've got everybody fooled

   Snapping her mouth shut, Gloria shot daggers at him, and had to step aside when the airhead assistant needed to get by. Growling, she checked her watch again and stomped her foot in aggravation. She had been waiting for that stupid dressing room for the past fifteen minutes.
   “Come on,” she muttered before going back to the rack she got her shirt from and hung it back up.
   “Are you sure you want to put it back?” Fab asked curiously. “You’ve been dying for that shirt for a week now.”
   Gloria stared at it longingly before she snatched it back. “Oh well, if it doesn’t fit it, then it doesn’t fit. I’ll just return it.”
   Fab checked her watch this time. “Right now we have less than five minutes to haul butt back to the other side of the mall.”
   Stepping past the jerk, Gloria made sure that she nudged him a bit with her bony shoulder before stepping up to the cashier, leaving Fabian to follow her. Giggling the entire way.
   Smiling, Zac turned his back on her and took the articles of clothing his girlfriend handed him. “The assistant managers looking for the purple Tinkerbell shirt, Hannah.”
   She laughed and straightened her mini skirt. “Zac, I don’t wear purple.” Posing, she ran a hand through her straight dark hair. “It doesn’t look good with my tan.”
   Knowing this, Zac shook his head in mock innocence at Gloria. "Oh. Silly me."
   Rolling her eyes, Gloria shoved her shirt under the cashier who was too busy watching a porno star in the making straighten her clothes. “I’m ready to buy this now, Josh,” she mentioned a bit loudly to break his X-rated thoughts.
   “Is she for real?” Fab murmured.
   Gloria snorted, “Maybe some parts of her are.”

look here she comes now
bow down and stare in wonder
oh, how we love you
no flaws when you're pretending
but now i know she
never was and never will be
you don't know how you've betrayed me
and somehow you've got everybody fooled

   Grabbing her purchase, Gloria and Fab hauled out of the store almost at a dead run. They made it back to Victoria’s Secret with less than a minute to spare, and even then their boss was raising the eyebrow at them.
   “I can’t believe that Hanson kid was being such a jerk,” Fab murmured as she started reorganizing a panty display.
   Shrugging, Gloria bit her lip and tried to concentrate on the silk camisoles that she was assorting by color. “Apparently he’s much nicer when behind a drum set.”
   Fab set down the thong she was holding, and looked fully at her friend. “I know he was one of your favorites, Glor. But he obviously doesn’t fully understand that some people still have normal jobs and don’t usually goof off for an entire day at Hot Topic.”
   Gloria shrugged again, “Just one more illusion that’s busted under reality’s weight.”

without the mask where will you hide
can't find yourself lost in your lie
i know the truth now
i know who you are
and i don't love you anymore

   She saw the two walking hand in hand outside the front of the shop and Gloria shook her head. “He doesn’t seem like he is in the magazines anymore, you know?” she asked softly. “I don’t see him as…”
   “As if he’s not a statue on a pedestal anymore?” Fab offered helpfully.
   Gloria smiled, “Yeah, basically. He probably does all the disgusting things our brother’s do as well. And that’s really revolting.”
   Fab made a face. “Oh yeah.”
   Gloria sighed though, and went back to work. “It’s just a bit annoying that I fell for the image, you know? I feel as if I’ve been tricked into believing he was this great, funny guy who had no flaws.”
   Fab started laughing, “Welcome to the world of advertising. We sell sex, and glamour. No other such things exist.”
   Gloria laughed lightly, “I don’t think I like that world, Fab. I don’t want to have to question if everything else is fake or not.”
   Fab tossed her shoulders, “Neither do I, but it’s what’s out there. Real or not it’s there.”

it never was and never will be
you're not real and you can't save me
somehow now you're everybody's fool

lyrics, Evanescence: Everybody's Fool


E-mail: Shann