Chapter 3

    Dahven woke to the sunlight in her face, and Isaac in her neck.
    She giggled softly as she noticed that his arms were wrapped around her tightly still, and pressed against her back. Absentmindedly, she ran her fingers up and down his arms lightly.
    After a few moments she felt him move, so she turned to face him. He was blinking away the harsh light from the sun.
    "Mornin'." She whispered to him.
    "Hmm." Isaac replied, rubbing his eyes, trying to wake up.
    Laughing, she smiled up at him when his eyes finally adjusted to the light and focused on her.
    "Morning." He said smiling back, before he quickly kissed her. "I thought that what had happened last night was just a dream."
    She nodded slowly in understanding. "Me too." She curled a strand of his hair around her finger, "I kept waking up to make sure I was here."
    They continued their talking in hushed tones, so that they wouldn't wake up Taylor and Zac. After almost thirty-minutes they were all awake and talking about what they were going to do that day.
    It was a free day, and tomorrow they would head back home for Tulsa for a two-week vacation.
    But then they were on tour for another three months.
    Dahven stared up at it in awe. "Wow." She breathed. "That's beautiful."
    Isaac tugged on her arm and pulled her towards Eifel tower. "Come on." He urged.
    Taylor and Zac followed behind, talking about what they were going to do when they got home.
    Sleeping came up more than once. Almost ten times actually. Dahven was counting.
    "Oh, it's so gorgeous up here." She breathed as she looked over the side to peer down at the now tiny city.
    Isaac smiled at her happiness. "Yes, it is beautiful." He replied looking at Taylor and Zac pointedly.
    Getting th point, they left them alone.
    "My you've trained them well." Dahven said giggling.
    "I know." He proclaimed modestly, then smiled down at her. "I'm glad you that came, D." He said softly as he placed his hands on her waist.
    Dahven smiled. "Me too. I've missed having your family around. But I've mainly missed you."
    Isaac chuckled a little. "I missed you too. Everyday only seemed to get longer." He said leaning his forehead to hers and closing his eyes.
    Dahven closed her eyes too, "I know." Then she started to giggle. "Cause then the minutes seemed like hours, and the hours seemed like days." She sang, then she stopped when she heard Isaac take over.
    "And then a week went by, and you know it took my breath away." He finished.
    They both laughed lightly as they looked into each other’s eyes again. They did this countless of times, each looking for the same thing. Love.
    Dahven smiled and then she kissed him lightly. She wasn't going to wait for Isaac to kiss her. She was tired of waiting. She spent most of her life waiting for something, anything really. And she didn't want to anymore if she could help it.
    But all too soon they had to leave, to meet the rest of the Hanson family for dinner.
    Intertwining her fingers with his, they started to walk together. As if they were one.
    Sitting on the hotel room couch, Dahven smiled sheepishly, "Would now be the time to tell you that I have no clothes?" She asked as she looked down at the clothes that she had borrowed, from Isaac again.
    The whole day out she was wearing a regular T-shirt that fit her pretty good, but the jeans were really baggy and she needed to use Zac’s belt. Again.
    "You didn't bring any clothes with you?" Zac asked, laughing at such a ridiculous idea.
    Dahven nodded. "Yeah." She replied blushing. "I was really excited and in a hurry. I left my passport at home and had to drive back and get it. I should've thought of it then, but it didn't register." The light blush fanned out and darkened on her cheeks.
    "Really?" Zac asked rolling his eyes.
    "Well, I think that you should borrow either Tay's or Zac's clothes from now on." Isaac said as he pointed to his clothes on her. "Cause mine, my dear, don't seem to fit ya really well."
    Blushing deeper, Dahven nodded her head eagerly. "Hopefully I can fit into Taylor’s. He has the height. Sorry, Zac." She said smiling at him.
    Zac got up and stretched. "Just wait. I'm going to be taller than Ike one day." He said as he stood up on the bed. Isaac was standing right next to him. "This is the last time you'll be taller than me, Ike. Enjoy it while it lasts."
    Isaac just nodded his head. "Sure, Zac. Whatever you say, man." He said hardly paying attention to him.
    "Here you go, Charm." Taylor said handing her a small pile of his clothes. "These are for tomorrow, and I expect them back after we get to T-town." He said trying hard to be stern, but the smile on his face wouldn't let him.
    Wearing the same clothes to bed that night that she wore last night, Zac laughed again when she walked out of the bathroom.
    Taylor only smiled, and Isaac smiled at her affectionately.
    "Geez, Zac, don't hurt yourself from laughing so much." She muttered dryly. "We wouldn't want you to get hurt or anything."
    Zac grinned, "You just look so funny."
    Taylor slammed a pillow in his face. "It's not that funny, Zac!"
    Isaac was still standing by his bed. "Here you can sleep in the bed, and Zac and I'll fight for the couch."
    Dahven shook her head. "I'll sleep on the floor. You've guys been touring, so get the beds." She said going over to take her pile of bedding.
    "D, I'm sleeping on the couch." Isaac said grabbing her by her waist and pushing her towards the bed. "I'm sleeping on the couch." He said sternly. "And you are getting the bed."
    Planting her feet firmly on the ground and spinning around Isaac, Dahven raced for the couch.
    But she never made it. Isaac had picked her up with such ease, that Dahven was silent for a moment.
    Then she recovered and made another mad dash for the couch.
    Isaac and her stood in front of the couch, arguing who was going to sleep on it.
    Taylor stood up. "I'br got an idea." He stated, then turned to Zac. "Give me a hand here, Zac." He said as he motioned him to push the two beds together.
    With his help, the beds were together and Taylor was happy with his idea. "It will be just like last night. We'll all sleep in this now huge large bed."
    And there will be no more arguments, discussions, suggestions, or talks about the subject." He said when Dahven was about to open her mouth with a complaint.
    Quickly Dahven snapped her mouth shut and kept quiet on the subject. She climbed into the bed and stared at the ceiling. "I had a great time today." She said as Isaac turned the lights out. "Thanks."
    He climbed into the bed and pulled Dahven close to him. She snuggled against him, and laid her head on his shoulder. "How'd you know what hotel room we were in, D?" He asked quietly.
    Taylor and Zac laughed at that.
    "We were meaning to tell you about that, Ike." Zac said struggling not to laugh again.
    "Umm, Ike, we all kinda helped Charm. Mom, Dad, Zac, and I did anyway." Taylor said trying to disguise the laughter in his voice.
    Isaac looked down at Dahven, then started tickling her. "So you had planned out this whole thing?" He asked as he kept on tickling her.
    Dahven was laughing loudly and fought to get him to stop. "Stop." She said through her laughter. "Stop!"
    He continued, "I swear that if you don't stop, I'll get you for it." She said as tears streamed down her face from all the laughing.
    Stopping, he held her close to him once again. "You vixen." He whispered before kissing the top of her head.
    Dahven only giggled and kissed the bottom of his chin. She snuggled up against his warm hard body again and closed her eyes. A small smile played on her lips.
    Shortly after, they all fell asleep.

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