Chapter 9

    "So what happened?" Arie asked as he walked into Dahven’s room, and noticed the busted picture frame and the broken glass.
    She had unlocked it when she went down to get a glass of juice for her throat, and evidently forgot to lock it again.
    Bending down, he picked it up and studied the picture through the splinters. "Did you two have a fight?"
    Sitting on her window seat and staring outside, Dahven was ignoring Arie and was trying to concentrate on something else.
    Regardless of how hard she tried Isaac kept popping up in her mind, and Arie kept nagging her. She couldn’t take it anymore. "Shut up!" She shouted jumping off her window seat.
    She pointed to her door. "Leave." She said struggling to calm her voice, and to keep from freaking out completely.
    Arie stared at her. "Why won’t you talk to me?" He asked hurtfully. "You never talk to me. You always go to someone else."
    "Blood is thicker than water." He reminded her.
    Laughing sarcastically, Dahven sat down on her bed. "I won’t talk to anyone that I can’t trust. That’s why I won’t talk to you. I almost started trusting you but then you decided to try and plan my future." She said harshly.
    She pinned him with a cold look, "And if blood is thicker than water, than how come our blood is so thin?" She asked darkly.
    Arie stared at her in silence. Everything she spoke was true. She and him were never close. Their blood was unusually thin, and she couldn’t trust him. He wasn't worthy of it.
    Dahven stood up again, and pointed to her door. "You know your way out. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out." She spoke softly but forcefully, and there was a slight chill to it.
    Nodding, Arie left, and closed the door softly behind him.
    Going back over to her window seat, she closed the heavy black curtains shut. She wanted to be in the dark again. She wanted it to be night. To be left alone in her depressed state of mind.
    Locking her bedroom door so that no one could come in and interrupt her depression again, she threw the broken picture in her wastebasket.
    Thinking twice, she picked it out after staring at it for a moment. She put it her desk drawer, and closed it. "A reminder." She murmured softly. "To never trust someone with your heart."
    She went and lay down in the middle of her bedroom floor and started reciting.
    "My love of yesterday, is gone today. I hear the doorbell, and I hope it’s him at the door. But I know it’s my imagination, and nothing more. I feel empty down deep to the core, yet the feeling is ignored. And I feel his hands, as I lay on the floor. But it’s just my imagination, and nothing more. I can hear his voice calling out my name. But I know nothing will ever be the same. I think things are like the way before. Yet I know it’s my imagination. And nothing more." She whispered softly to her herself.
    Closing her eyes against the pain, she kept seeing the hurt look Isaac wore yesterday in the mall.
    Again she started crying. Nothing was ever going to be the same for her again. Not ever.

~ Hanson’s House ~

    "Are you doing anything today, Ike?" Taylor asked as he changed into a clean shirt.
    "Not that I know of. Why?" He asked as he put his book down to look at him.
    Taylor turned around to look at Isaac. "Then why don’t you call Charm?" He suggested.
    Sighing loudly, Isaac was getting upset that his brother wouldn’t leave him alone about Dahven.
    He raised his book up. "Listen, Tay." He stated flatly. "D and I are over. O-v-e-r." He spelled out. "Do you understand?"
    "Yes, I do Ike." Taylor answered sharply. "But you are s-t-u-p-i-d."
    "Why is this so important to you?" He asked frustratedly.
    "Because Charm is my friend, and so are you. I care about you both, and she didn’t deserve to be treated like that yesterday. She didn’t do anything wrong, Ike." He responded quietly.
    His words fell on deaf ears though. Isaac had stopped listening after he said ‘Charm.’
    Taylor was silent, waiting for Isaac to respond to him. He didn’t. He kept reading.
    Groaning out loud, Taylor stalked out of his room.
    He decided he would call Dahven and ask if she wanted to do anything with him and Zac.
    Dialed her number a recording came on saying the line was disconnected. He tried again. Again he got the recording. Annoyed, he called the operator for assistance. "I’m sorry, but it appear as if the line has been disconnected."
    "Okay, thank you." Taylor said as he hung up. Then he went on a small search for Dahven's cellular number.

~ Dahven's Room ~

    Dahven was still lying on the floor when she heard her cell phone ring. She ignored it.
    Yet, it kept ringing. And ringing. And ringing.
    Sighing softly to herself as she got up, she went and smashed the phone against her wall. "There." She said dusting her hands off. "Now ring." She muttered lying on the floor again.
    She stayed that way until she heard someone turning the doorknob. But since it was locked they couldn’t really turn it.
    She heard someone knocking on her door, and calling her name.
    Ignoring it, Dahven slipped back into her own little world. She liked that place much better. She was never alone, everyone around her was friendly, and no one tried to hurt her. She loved it there.
    "Well, why didn’t she come down and see us?" Zac asked hurtfully.
    Taylor shrugged. "I don’t know, Zac." He said looking up at Dahven’s window. The curtain was drawn, destroying the chance of anyone looking through. "I don’t know." He repeated.
    "Let’s try again tomorrow." He suggested warily. "I’m sure she’s gonna be out by then."
    Taylor shrugged again. "We can try." He replied absentmindedly.
    His mind busy trying to think of a plan to get Dahven and Isaac back together. Right now he was drawing a huge blank.

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