Taylor's Astrology

Pisces ~ February 19 - March 20

Duality ~ Feminine

Element ~ Water

Quality ~ Mutable.

   Pisces is receptive, intuitive and emotional, imaginative, romantic, impressionable and mystical, adaptable and very changeable.

   Ruling Planet ~ Neptune. Neptune is the planet of illusion, glamour, mystery and deception.

   Symbol ~ Two fishes tied to one another and swimming in opposite directions. Signifying hidden depths, shifting emotional currents, conflicting desires and extremes of temperament.

Dominate Keyword ~ I BELIEVE

   Polarity ~ Virgo: Pisces is the sign of dreams and mysticism. Its natives trust their intuitions and feelings and tend to seek more spiritual values in life. Virgo, Pisces opposite sign, is the sign of work and service. Virgo people deal in facts and reality; they are practical and strive for material success.

   Part of the Body Rules by Pisces ~ The feet. Pisceans have beautifully shaped, sensitive feet that are unfortunately prone to aches, bunions, corns. Ill fitting shoes are a particular hazard to the people of this sign.

Lucky Day ~ Friday

Lucky Numbers~ 2 and 6

   Magical Birthstone ~ Aquamarine: Magnifies occult powers and brings serenity of mind. It also protects its wearer while traveling the sea.

   Special Colors ~ Pale green and turquoise. The dreamy colors of the sea.

Cities ~ Casablanca, Alexandria, Lisbon, Seville, Dublin

Countries ~ Portugal, the Sahara Desert

Animals Rules by Pisces ~ Fish

   Danger ~ Pisceans have a high susceptibility to alcohol and drugs. They are also drawn into unpredictable situations and to unbalanced people.

Most Likeable Trait ~ COMPASSION

   Just as the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, represents a new beginning so the twelfth and last sign, Pisces is the end of the circle, the sign of eternity, reincarnation and spiritual rebirth. Many astrologers say that Pisces is a link to the spirit world and that you who are born under the sign are old souls, for they believe Pisceans to have experienced other lives in the past.
   Pisceans have an other-worldly quality, In mystcal terms, you are described as a being half-body and half-spirit, pulled between material existence and spiritual concerns, possessed of the knowledge that you will never be entirely at home in the real world.

~ You and Pisces Man ~

   Pisces man has rare charisma. The secret of his extraordinary appeal to women is a deep and sensitive appreciation for their inner qualities. He always sees a woman at her best. Pisces male is a real charmer, the eternal romantic.
   All the water sign have a quality of emotional imagination. Pisces tries to live in a world of dreams and romance. He lives for the whim of the moment, and while the moment lasts he can make it seem enchanted, everything a woman ever dreamed of, champaign and caviar, moonlight and poetry and passion. Unfortunately, when the sun comes up the words don't quite rhyme and the champagne is flat. In the cold light of day you may reflect on what a fool you were to have thought it could be otherwise.
   Basically, he would like to find happiness with one woman, but the vagaries of his character and the constant appeal of change to him make that unlikely. He is unable to steer a steady course between his conflicting desires. He prefers clandestine meetings and secret affairs with the high-risk quotent. Married women are his natural prey. Pisces men fall in love easily, but his is the sign of self-undoing and he had an instinct for choosing the wrong woman. His love life often tends to be chaotic and turbulent, and over his lifetime he may lose his heart many times to the wrong partner.
   He is intensely emotional about making love because he considers it not merely a physical act but the culmination of a romantic yearning. His bedroom behavior, like that of the female Pisces, tends toward the offbeat. But he is tender and loving and considerate, and won't insist on having his way. He is marvelously sensuous, understanding, innovative lover.
   As a husband, he probably wont be a good provider. His career problem is the he looks for the easy way- not realizing there is not easy way. But he won't neglect you and is generously willing to share what he has. This man is a giver in an emotional sense. He will do almost anything for someone he cares for. Once he commits himself to a woman, he will give unselfishly of his energy, sympathy and concern.
   If you're looking for an attentive, romantic love, a kind, compassionate man to fulfill your spiritual needs as well as your physical ones, Pisces male is for you. He may be a dreamer, but he can make the right women's dreams come true.
   Like natives of the water signs, you have the ability to see deeply into the human psyche. Subtle and intuitive, you are born with the gift of prophecy, and may become involved in the occult, ESP and spiritualism. If you get a hunch, others would be wise to pay attention.
   Ruled by Neptune, planet of mystery and illusion, your personality is elusive, fey, and quick-silvery. Your element is water, and the imagery of the sea is evident in how easily you adapt to the ever shifting currents around you. More than natives of any other sign, you are enormously influenced by your surroundings and by the people who touch your life. Indeed, you have a unique ability to get under another persons skin, to take literally as your own anothers problems, joys, and woes. At times, you give away the very strength and emotional security you need for yourself.
   You possess superb intuitions and seeming bottomless understanding of other people, yet your extraordinary sensitivity can be your most vulnerable point. You are too impressionable to each passing influence, too susceptible to someone else's hard luck story or plea for help. For you, learning to say no can be a lifetime project and you may never learn how to do it all.
   Pisces is known as the sign of self-undoing and you may become the creator of your own downfall. You are impractical and fall prey to overindulgence. You also have a penchant for picking the wrong companions. At times, your life may become so punctuated with trouble and heartache that you try desperately to escape- and then you are like Eliza jumping from ice flow to ice flow, with no clear sense of where you are headed. Conflicting emotions and desires pull you to and fro. You must fight hard for stability, for the strength of purpose and balance needed to combat the negativity of laziness, carelessness and emotional confusion.
   This is not to imply that you lack backbone, Indeed, you are capable of great sacrifice and hard work in the service of a cause or an ordeal. However, not to many natives of this sign are suited to the harsh, rough-and-tumble world of business and commerce. Creative and intensely imaginative, you are more successful as a writer, musician or artist. Pisces is the sign of the poet and the dreamer, and you strive to create a world that comes closer to your own unique vision.
   Fundamentally unsure of yourself, you prefer to work alone rather that with people. You have an instinct for finding what appears to be the easy way out, and founder in the shallows of least resistance. This is why so many talented, charming, superior natives of this sign never attain the position in life to which their gifts entitle them.
   You are a very special person whose sensitivity and awareness will always appeal to a select group. You are capable of high intellectual achievement and your magnetic, mysterious, engaging and delightful personality is heightened by an intriguing sense of drama.
   You are also loyal, unselfish, and generous, always ready to help a friend who has fallen on hard times. Naturally kind, with a deep appreciation for the inner qualities of others, you are not concerned with the superficial and with what others see on the surface. You look at the inner soul, the essence. There is no more sensitive, perceptive friend, nor one more warmhearted, caring, devoted, and sentimental.

~ How to Attract Pisces ~

   You can always interest them in conversation about the world of entertainment, art, books, poetry, dramatics. Another sure way to get their attention is to discuss any topic touching on the occult, mysticism, spiritualism and the supernatural, particularly anything involving reincarnation. Pisceans who don't actually believe in it (there aren't many) are fascinated by discussions about it.
   Tell them your problems. They're great listeners and their sympathy is mostly genuine. But avoid giving the appearance of being overwhelmed by your problems. While Pisceans have an unusual compassion for losers, they prefer people who are strong and supportive, with definite goals and a positive approach to life.
   A good compromise tactic is to discuss your difficulties humorously. Pisceans like to laugh and will be impressed by your ability t smile your troubles away.
   Ask them about a subject they know well (they are artistic, so you can't go wrong moving in that direction). Pisceans will soon open up. In fact, your problem may be getting back in control of the conversation. Pisceans love to expound and explain and expatiate.
   Always greet them with a compliment about their appearance or social presence, or remember to repeat a flattering comment someone else made about them. Pisces soaks up flattery like the Sahara soaks up water. Above all, be sentimental. Remember each birthday and anniversary. Pisceans are grateful and don't forget kindness or thoughtfulness. You'll be richly rewarded.

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